Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Complexity as a textual, linguistic and metalinguistic category

The article attempts to systematize the linguistic (metalinguistic, textual) content of the concept complex / complexity. For this purpose, linguistic and non-linguistic contexts with complex / complexity are analyzed, primarily from the point of view of evaluativeness and markedness – unmarkedness.

Variability of the genre of autobiographical story in dialect and literary-colloquial speech (on the material of Saratov dialectological corpus)

The article examines the specific features of how the genre of autobiographical story functions in dialect and literary-colloquial speech. The study is conducted on the material of Saratov Dialectological Corpus and dictaphone recordings of native speakers of the literary language of the corresponding age group.

Spouses addressing their parents-in-law in Russian culture

The paper examines the forms of addressing the nearest in-law relatives existing in Russian family communication. Addresses to family members are among the oldest means of appealing and are marked by national identity in any culture.

Interaction between religious, historical and literary discourses in mass media

The present paper refers to the essentialproblem of the interaction between variousdiscourseswithin the framework of American media discourse based on the articles of the online version of National Geographic journal. Currently, the media discourse is a point of intersection of various discourses interacting in accordance with the intention and pragmatic goals of the journalists. Media discourse becomes poly-discursive, as journalists strive to demonstrate the presence of identical or similar components of situational cognitive models in different discourses.

Special features speech portrait of an autistic child in Mark Haddon’s novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time translated into Russian

The article deals with the issue of studying the speech characteristics of a literary character, which is no doubt of significant interest. The speech portrait of a literary character is one of the key components in forming an image in a literary text. However, the speech of child char acters, especially those with developmental disorders, has not received much attention. The source material for the study is the modern novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2003) by Mark Haddon and its translation into Russian made by A. Kukley (2003).

Synchronous-diachronic analysis of the thematic group “Supernatural beings in religious cultures” (on the material of the Russian language)

The study deals with the synchronous-diachronic analysis of the thematic group “Supernatural beings in religious cultures”, formed on the basis of Semantic dictionary edited by N. Y. Shvedova and including lexical units denoting the names of God and the Mother of God; angels and saints; persons with magical abilities performing occult actions; evil forces hostile to man; animal characters in religious cultures.

The role of affixal means of the Russian language in the development of the category of aspect

 By the beginning of the written period of the Russian language, the formation of new aspectual meanings in verbs is already noticeable. The means of forming the category of aspect in the history of the Russian language are affixes: prefixes formalize the meaning of finiteness; suffixes participate in expressing the meaning of non-finiteness. The initial stage of the formation of the category of aspect is semantic transformations of prefixes.

Hedging in written academic discourse as manifestation of its dialogue nature (based on dissertation reviews)

The article presents the analysis of the dialogue nature of written academic communication based on Russian evaluative academic discourse. The texts of 70 official dissertation reviews in humanities and sciences, published on the sites of dissertation councils of Russian universities in 2020–2024, were used as an empiric base for the research. The research aims to identify the role of hedge markers – specific discourse units used to mitigate the claims of the author – in manifestation of the dialogue character of the dissertation review as a speech genre.

Gender influence on structural discourse markers in the English popular-science discourse (based on TED talks)

The article focuses on the influence of gender on structural discourse markers in the English popular-science genre of TED talks. The research is based on 20 English lectures (10 male and 10 female ones). All the lectures highlight the problems of education and online learning. The overall study materials comprise about 50,000 words. The structural discourse markers include global and local ones. Local structural discourse markers are used to connect statements, express the relations of cause, effect, time, condition, exclusion, inclusion.

An attempt of a systematic approach to the typology of supportive communicative units

In the article the author explains the necessity to work out a systematic approach to the description of communicative units of real life communication. The article presents an attempt to solve the problem of classifying the units belonging to the secondary communication level. Based on the previously suggested principles and methods of identifying communicative discourse units, the author provides definitions of primary and secondary (supportive) units.
