For citation:
Belonozhko Y. A. Gender influence on structural discourse markers in the English popular-science discourse (based on TED talks). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 4, pp. 379-385. DOI: 10.18500/1817-7115-2024-24-4-379-385, EDN: EEEPRM
Gender influence on structural discourse markers in the English popular-science discourse (based on TED talks)
The article focuses on the influence of gender on structural discourse markers in the English popular-science genre of TED talks. The research is based on 20 English lectures (10 male and 10 female ones). All the lectures highlight the problems of education and online learning. The overall study materials comprise about 50,000 words. The structural discourse markers include global and local ones. Local structural discourse markers are used to connect statements, express the relations of cause, effect, time, condition, exclusion, inclusion. These discourse markers also let the speaker add information and clarify it, have a pause to search for words, and make a real or implied dialogue. The global structural discourse markers indicate the components of a discourse structure. According to the results of the study, men use structural discourse markers more often than women do (men’s lectures contain about 57% of all registered markers). Women tend to use internal links, authorizing constructions with inclusive let’s and enumerative linkers to structure their speech better. In turn, I-constructions, external links, individual hesitations (you know) and phatives are more typical for the men’s lectures. Gender is revealed to affect the use of the topic introduction markers, signals of order and sequence, external links, signals of conclusion and signals of switching the topic. However, gender differences in the variety and frequency of structural discourse markers are relatively insignificant since the requirements of a TED talk genre oblige speakers to present a pre-rehearsed speech. This fact decreases the influence of personal features, gender among them, on speech. Besides, structural discourse markers function in such a way that no public speech is possible without them, because these markers provide a means of structuring the presentation logically, thus making it easier for the audience to perceive the speech.
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