Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Guidelines for Authors



Download the Copyright Transfer Agreement 

Russian article formatting

English article formatting


1.General information  

1.1. The Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism is issued 4 times a year. It accepts for publication previously unpublished scientific articles in the following disciplines:

  • 5.9.1. Russian literature and literatures of the peoples of the Russian Federation (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.2. World Literature (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.5. The Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.6. Foreign Languages (Germanic and Romance languages) (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.8. Theoretical, applied, comparative and contrastive linguistics (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.9. Media communications and journalism (philological sciences).


Materials for the sections Issues of the higher school, The Book Review, Chronicles of scientific life are also accepted for publication.


1.2. The relationships between the Editorial board, reviewers and authors are regulated by the publishing ethics of the Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data presented.


1.3. The manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and should meet the requirements of the volume of the text and abstract, the metadata should be correct, the footnotes and references should be formatted correctly (see Section 2). Citation (including self-citation) should not exceed 25%.


1.4. The manuscripts are subject to review (see Peer review procedure) and in the case of a favourable review they are scientifically proofread and edit-checked. If the review indicates the necessity to edit the article, it is sent to the author to be corrected. The edited manuscript and the author’s note with the explications of the changes introduced in the paper (in a separate file) should be uploaded on the website within a month. Upon the receipt of the edited manuscript, the text has a follow-up review. In case of a positive decision the manuscript is published on a first come first served basis.


1.5. Materials inconsistent with the subject matter of the Journal, containing improper referencing, those with a negative review, are rejected without the option to correct the paper.


1.6. The period of considering the manuscript for publication is 2 months. The publication period is from 90 to 360 days.


1.7. The author draws up Copyright Transfer AgreementConsent to Personal Data Processing and an Expert Report on the possibility of an open access publication of the manuscript (if the document can not provided, as an exclusion, the expert analysis can be done by SSU Expert Commision) . The author uploads the Copyright Transfer Agreement in PDF format in their personal account on the website of the Journal; the author also sends 1 set of the original of the License Agreement  by mail to the postal address of the Editorial Board of the Journal: 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya St., 83, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Editorial Board.


1.8. The Journal does not publish the articles of the students (studying for the Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree). The maximum number of co-authors 2. 


1.9. Upon publication the issue of the journal is uploaded on the website: http://bonjour.sgu.ru in the Russian and international databases.


1.10. The work of the author (personal data subject) is included in the archive after the publication of the next issue of the periodical. The storage, arrangement, registration and use of archived issues, containing personal data is carried out in accordance with Part 2, paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the Federal Law FZ-152 “On personal data” of July 27, 2006 in conformity with the legislation on archiving. Personal Data Processing Policy at SSU.


1.11. Digital archiving and data storage policy addresses the selection, long-term storage and providing access to the full-text articles in PDF format is stored on the server of the journal in the “Archive” section, on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.ru, in Cyberleninka system, in DOAJ. The authors are allowed to archive the preprints and postprints of their papers. The authors have the right to publish their paper on the Internet (for example, in the storage of their organization or on their personal website) upon publication.


1.12. Manuscripts are published free of charge. Author's copies are not available.


2. Manuscript style requirements


2.1. The file should be titled by the author’s surname and the initial of the name with the speciality number of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (Ivanov_A._5.9.1). 


2.2. The manuscript’s sections include: metadata (information about the author, abstract, keywords – in both Russian and English), main text, list of references.


2.3. The article length is between 25000–40000 characters with spaces, including the metadata and the list of references. For reviews and material in the section Chronicles of scientific life – 15000–20000 characters with spaces.


2.4. Formatting

– file in docx / doc;

– Times New Roman;

– 14 points;

– book-oriented;

– full justification;

– single-spaced;

– margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm, upper – 2,5 cm, lower – 2,5 cm;

– indention – 1,25 cm;

– pages not numbered.


2.5. Metadata (font size 12; for articles in Russian, first given in Russian, then in English; in English articles in reverse order).

– article title (in Russian –14 pt, bold font; in English –12 pt);

– author’s initials and surname (bold, hard-spaced);

– job affiliation with the full address of the institution;

– personal information (in Russian – surname, first name and patronymic in full, academic degree, position, department, personal e-mail, ORCID number. In English – first name in full, patronymic initial, surname, personal e-mail, ORCID number);

– abstract – 200–250 words on the aims and conclusions reached;

– keywords – 5–15;

– acknowledgements – name the supporting grants, if any.


2.6. Article structure

The article should clearly reflect the purpose and the novelty of the research, contain logically interconnected semantic blocks and conclusions.


2.7. Reference style

All references should be within the text in square brackets, first – source number as given in the References section, next – page number, separated by comma. If the source has more than one volume, the volume number comes before the page number, e.g.: [1, с. 56], [2, vоl. 1, p. 38], [17, т. 2, с. 370–371]. Each quotation should be referenced up to page number. If necessary, short footnotes can be provided, inserted automatically, continuously numbered.


2.8. References

The recommended volume of the bibliography is 15–25 titles. It should reflect key works on the problem under consideration, including articles in scientific journals in the last 5 years. The reviewed publication must be included in the list of references. The reference list is arranged in the order of the sources/research papers referenced (cited) in the text of the article. Citing the author’s works is possible if they are justified. List of references follows the main text, font – 12 points, automatically numbered. Authors’ surnames and initials in the list are italicized. For printed books the title, place, publishers, year of publication, total number of pages, number of volumes (for multi-volume editions) are specified. For journal articles the journal title, year, number, article pages, DOI and EDN (if applicable) are specified. References to Internet sources include http and access date.


2.9. Style

The text should be thoroughly proofread and formatted according to the journal’s requirements.

Dash (–) and hyphen (-) should be used correctly, standard quotes (« ») and inverted commas (“ ”) should be used for titles within the quotations; years and centuries in dates should be abbreviated to “y.” and “c.”; people’s initials and surnames, as well as date and year/century abbreviations should be hard-spaced (А. С. Пушкин), (ХХ в.; 1812 г.).

Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic and should have captions. Tables and figures should be referenced in the main text.


2.10. Russian article and reference list formatting.


2.11. English article and reference list  formatting.


3. Applying to submit a manuscript for publication

3.1. An application to publish a manuscript should be submitted via the website of the Journal: bonjour.sgu.ru


3.2. The author should log in to the website with the help of their username and password. If the password is lost, one should tap on “Request new password”. A link to restore the password will be sent to the email specified by the author during registration. The author submitting a manuscript for the first time should register in the system using the button “Register”.


 3.3. To submit a manuscript for publication the author should use the button “Submit article” (on the right).


3.4. All the stages of manuscript processing are indicated in the author’s account (Author->List of processed articles ).


3.5. The authors should contact support service if they encounter any technical difficulties: support-journals@sgu.ru