Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)



The article presents and systematizes materials that were previously only casually touched upon in studies on ancient Greek verbal vocalism. Analyzing the material, the author comes to the conclusion that the alternations being the object of the study do not have synchronous phonetic conditioning and can be referred to the sphere of morphology.

Types of Irony in Fiction: Conceptual and Contextual Irony

The article analyses modern views on the correlation of stylistic and conceptual types of irony in the writers’ literary works, reveals the basic features and characteristics of conceptual irony, and also shows the correlation of the two types of irony with their different means of realization – linguistic and extra-linguistic.

Perceptive and Semantic Keynotes in the Formation of Artistic Style

The article considers the influence of the forms of the psychological phenomenon of perception on writers’ aesthetic systems. Visual and audio types of perception are reflected in fiction in the most consistent and systemic manner. Different authors exhibit variations in their correlation: either the visual or the acoustic type prevails.

«No Answer» as an Indicator of the Word Acquisition Degree in Associative Fields

The article studies the interdependence between «no answers» and the process of lexicon formation during school age, based on associative dictionary data.

Major Means of Expressing Positive Aesthetic Evaluation in «Le Roman de la Rose» by G. de Lorris and J. de Meung

The article considers linguistic means of positive aesthetic evaluation in the medieval allegorical French poem «Le Roman de la Rose». A range of linguistic contexts containing evaluative components are studied, specific axiological means and principles of contributing to the lexis of aesthetic evaluation are analyzed.

Syncretism of Discursive Words

In the article, dedicated to the research of the syncretism of discursive words (discursives) of the Russian scientific speech, alongside the two main types of discursive words – regulators and organizers – syncretic types, combining different types of information – discursive and regulatory, factual, pragmatic and grammatical, discursive and regulatory – are singled out.

Word Order in the Author’s Speech of B. Akunin

The results of word order analysis in the author’s speech of B. Akunin are represented in the article. A special notice is given to informal spoken structures, permeating the author’s speech with a variety of purposes.

Concept MERCY in the Russian Linguistic Consciousness and in the Writer’s Idiostyle

The evolution of the concept MERCY is researched in the Russian linguistic consciousness; the concept is analyzed in many aspects; the concept’s functioning in the writer’s idiostyle is examined on the material of A. S. Pushkin’s literary heritage.

Peculiarities of Spatial Semantics in Different Spheres of Communication

The article considers the specificity of the use of linguistic resources with spatial semantics in everyday communication and scientific speech (to form and render speculative concepts); the socalled types of spaces are put forward as the instrumental subject of research.

Language Means of Realization of the Tactics of Recognizing the Existence of the Problem and the Tactics of Clarification (on the Materials of the Interviews with A. Merkel)

The article considers communicative tactics used by the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel in the process of realizing informationinterpretative strategy in print mass-media which are the main source of fulfilling society information interests.
