Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Sentence Representatives in the English Language

It is proved in the paper that the sentence representative in English constitutes a specific syntactic unit which has structural, semantic, communicative and pragmatic characteristics of its own.

Peculiarities of the Lexico-Semantic Field «Disease» in the Oral Form of Scientific Medical Discourse

The article is focused on the problem of investigation of the socialprofessional group discourse from the viewpoint of semantic fields. It describes the peculiarities of the lexico-semantic field «Disease» based on the material of the oral form of the scientific medical discourse, presents the structural-functional analysis of the field under investigation.

Semantics of ‘State vs. Action’ in the Content of Perception Verbs

The article deals with the analysis of the meaning of the perception verbs. Their consistency is determined by the contraposition of the semantics of state and action ( see/look, hear/listen) in their content. The opposition of these meanings reflects the duality of the language perceptions of human psychology: the contraposition of an ‘inner’ person to an ‘outward’ one. Inner unobservable perceptive processes (states) are opposed to observable pictorial processes (actions).

Roman Dialectisms’ Destiny in the French Language of France and French-speaking America

The peculiarity of territorial variants of French in France and the world is the existence of special sets of dialectisms that have penetrated from Romance dialects which were spoken in the territory of France. The history of these dialects was not the same in different areas, still the dialects have vastly contributed to the fact that the variants of French around the world are either similar or different in terms of their cultural background and structure.

Russian Metaphor in Diachrony: Major Trends in the Development of Transfers in the Object Sphere

In the article major tendencies in the development of the Russian object metaphorical subsystem are elicited; semantic and cognitive description of the main metaphoric models in diachrony is presented.

The Principles of Adapting Spoken Informal Discourse into the Written One: Working with the Semantically Devoid Elements

The article focuses on the question of working with the semantically devoid elements when adapting spoken discourse into written. The author distinguishes functions with which semantically devoid elements can be endowed in the spoken variant of the memories under research, as well as the reasons of their being preserved in the written text or their elimination in processing. Possible principles were revealed by which an editor is guided upon an encounter with every case of author’s usage of semantically devoid elements.


Magical realism is the original direction of Latin American literature of the 20th century, which has a peculiar conceptual system. In the works of magical realism, in an organic combination of elements of reality with fantastic and mythological motifs, the "miraculous" reality of the continent is reflected. In an effort to identify and establish the identity of the culture of Latin America, writers consciously select and modify the folk-mythological Indian and Negro substrate.


The article presents and systematizes materials that were previously only casually touched upon in studies on ancient Greek verbal vocalism. Analyzing the material, the author comes to the conclusion that the alternations being the object of the study do not have synchronous phonetic conditioning and can be referred to the sphere of morphology.

Types of Irony in Fiction: Conceptual and Contextual Irony

The article analyses modern views on the correlation of stylistic and conceptual types of irony in the writers’ literary works, reveals the basic features and characteristics of conceptual irony, and also shows the correlation of the two types of irony with their different means of realization – linguistic and extra-linguistic.
