The article deals with the evolution of the morphological system of the Greek language. it was established that the Greek morphology in the process of historical development retained the role of a means of realizing the species opposition, lost its structural hierarchy, developed the unity of the positional system in the sphere of vocalism and consonantism, narrowed the lexical filling of the vocal alternations and expanded the regularity of the consonant
The article gives an overview of modern definitions of synaesthesia, analyzes the methodology for investigating the phenomenon, proposes a classification based on a combination of linguistic, psychological, and cultural approaches.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the concepts of the seasons in Russian and English linguoculture in religious and symbolic aspects. Religious and symbolic components are found mainly in the associative layer of concepts. The presence of associations of a religious nature testifies to the essential role of religion in the formation of a national vision of the world. Symbolism contributes to a deeper penetration into the culture of the people, its mentality, belief system.
The article suggests one of the ways of interpreting an artistic text from the point of view of sound-color associativity. A complex method of text analysis based on combining linguistic, psychological, and cultural approaches with the use of modern computer technologies is proposed.
The article discusses modern trends of language development, in particular the trend of principles of informal communication permeating traditionally formal spheres, thus creating pretexts for different communicative failures and conflicts. Therefore, the question of the person’s competence in choosing the type of communication acquires special importance.
The article gives a brief note on the origin of the semiotic trend in linguistic research. Theoretical prerequisites of the metasemiotic approach to the analysis of literary texts are specified. The author offers a possible paradigmatic concept of the metasemiotic analysis based on equivalent but different meanings, as well as on the antonymic oppositions on the material of a literary text.
The article studies linguistic factors facilitating the formation of canadianisms; the latter emerge due to the bilingualism on the territory of Canada, and they are the result of the language interference. The paper presents the definition of the term «canadianism» and analyses the peculiarities of universal word-formation processes involved in creating these specific lexical units.
Based on the broad understanding of speech etiquette it is examined in the article how mass media impacts both positively and negatively – due to the infringement of its norm – speech and behavior of people, and even the future of the language.
The article presents the interrelation and coordination of different word-formation types within the boundaries of one word-formation category. The study of such word-formation structures reveals their lexico-semantic potential and factors directing the formation and development of lexical meanings of derived words.
In the article the distinct characteristics of poetic dialogue are highlighted, such as its being synsemantic, its being addressed, etc; such types of dialogue are defined as intratextual and extratextual.