Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Otherness of individual existence in the context of fake reality

The article considers the phenomenon of fake and its infl uence on the individual existence of a person. In circumstances where public opinion is entirely manipulated, the freedom of thought is constrained. Overwhelmed by the excessive infl ux of information, an individual gradually loses the capacity to distinguish between what is true and false.

Ethical aspects of preparing journalistic materials about children and for children’s audiences: A humanistic approach

Thе article examines a two-pronged problem: the need to develop fundamental documents on the Russian media’s observance of humanistic principles, when preparing materials about childhood, as well as the lack of a professional journalistic school within which such approaches are formed and supported.

Research on Western media coverage of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

As the Western world’s policy towards China has been changing in recent years, the international public opinion, that China comes into contact with, is also deteriorating, which has a serious negative impact on forming the international image of China and on shaping soft power.

The typology of actors in Czech TV News in 1989–2021

A human face is called one of the main expressive means of the screen, this is true for all kinds of audiovisual content including television news, which have a high degree of credibility among the audience due to their audiovisual nature. The main purpose of the paper is to study whether and how the actors in television news have changed in the period of 1989–2021. We employed the content analysis to examine 1608 TV news items of one of the Czech TV channels in three periods – 1989, 2005 and 2021. We analyzed 2755 fragments of interviews that form the video news.

Germany’s image formed by magazine headlines (on the materials of the youth magazine vitamin de)

This article analyzes the headlines of vitamin de magazine as an image forming tool, which contributes to the formation of the idea of Germany as one of the best educational centres in Europe, for foreign students as well. A headline, as the substantive and intentional core of the whole magazine article, is able to convey the image of the country and its values relevant to the 12+ readership.

Reflection of the strategic narrative of confrontation in non-governmental online media

The article deals with the problem of media displaying strategic narratives in the context of the domination of the antagonistic discourse in the relations between Russia and the West. The issue is becoming ever more urgent since the conflict component is being intensified on the global stage, which prompts the eagerness of a number of countries to impose their interpretation of what is happening as the only correct version, by means of promoting public agreement.

Media prank: For nobody to trust anyone

Modern media demonstrate a distinctive feature when professional and official news agencies neighbor with amateur analytical Internet platforms. News outlets, social networks and video hosting services influence each other and create a mixed worldview. They also compete for their customer, for the likes that they would get and for the dislikes for their opponents.

Psychological challenges of freelance journalism of the digital age

The digital age introduces fast-paced changes into all areas of our life. Technological progress has made it possible for a significant number of specialists to switch to remote work and freelancing, and the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated this process. Journalists are no exception, especially since the media sphere is one of the most popular for freelancing.

Professional competencies of a TV journalist as evaluated by employers: Regional aspects (A case study of the Republic of Buryatia)

The article is a study of the key professional competencies of TV journalism graduates based on identifying the needs of employers of television media in the Republic of Buryatia, as well as professional standards that correspond to the professional activities of graduates. The study of this problem is caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the technological, social, economic, and other transformations taking place in the entire media industry require rethinking of the professional competencies of graduate journalists formed by domestic universities.

The role of traditional media in promoting the international image of the People’s Republic of China

The article concentrates on the analysis of the strategy of the People’s Republic of China to promote its image abroad through traditional mass media. The publications of one of the largest periodical of the People’s Republic of China Nanfang Daily are analyzed.
