Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Dialect in German Language Fairy Tales (Study Relevance and Interpretation Examples)

The article deals with the German dialect, which has recently been drawing the increasing amount of attention in German-speaking countries. Nowadays, the verbal genre of telling fairy tales is popular there, and fairy tales are related and represented by means of dialect more frequently. The authors of the article analyze the use of different dialecticisms and their textual functions on the example of the interpretation of two of the brothers Grimms’ fairy tales, in which separate dialect words from the Plattdeutch and the Hessen dialect are used.

Phonosemantic Associations in Lullabies (On the Material of the Russian and German Languages)

Based on modern ideas about the role of intersensory associations in the minds of native speakers, the problem of determining the universal characteristics and national specific features of the sound picture of the world is posed on the material of folklore texts for children in Russian and German languages.

Spain’s Image Representation in the Spanish King’s Christmas Messages

The Spanish King’s Christmas message is a traditional event of the social and political life in Spain, and it is one of the few occasions when the head of state directly addresses the nation. This annual address is structured according to strict traditions of classical rhetoric, it has its own language and composition features and has a symbolic and ritual nature. This article analyzes Felipe VI’s Christmas messages (from 2014 to 2018) and focuses on the constructed images of the Spanish monarch (addresser), the Spanish nation (addressee) and the country.

Lexical Features of the Functioning of the Social Networking Language in the Community of Provincial Youth

The article discusses the lexical originality of youth slang in the language of social networks on the example of the messages of students of a provincial school of higher education; an attempt was made to organize lexical units according to the sphere of use; units that have changed or expanded their semantics in the communication of modern youth are highlighted.

Peculiarities of Medical Discourse in Professional and Non-Professional Settings

The article discusses structural and functional differences between the medical discourses that are used in professional and non-professional settings. Having analyzed over 51,000 word usages, the authors conclude that the most significant differences are: the organization of the synonymous sets of the hyperonym ‘Disease’, the design of paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections, and the application of slang words and expressions.

Abbreviations as Key Elements of Social and Cultural Space in Contemporary Media Texts

The article considers abbreviations as key elements of social and cultural space in the language of mass media. The paper closely focuses on the following language units as the initial lexemes: IGIL (ISIS), WADA, SMI (mass media), OPEC etc. The author shows that abbreviated names reflect currently relevant phenomena in the life of the Russian society, and perform an expressive and influencing function.

The Concept ‘Pioneer’ in the Russian Linguistic Picture of the World

This article presents a comprehensive cognitive-oriented study of the concept ‘Pioneer’ in the linguistic picture of the world of the representatives of the Russian culture. The analysis of various lexicographic sources allowed the author to identify a generalized prototype of the concept and obligatory characteristics that reflect its value-based evaluative perception.

Pleonasm as a Stylistic Reception in I. A. Bunin’s Prose (On the Example of the Story Natalie)

The article covers the analysis of pleonasm – a significant technique in I. A. Bunin’s individual style. A comprehensive systematic description of the text is carried out on the material of a complete text – the story Natalie – taking into account the context. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a complete and detailed analysis of the syntactic and semantic characteristics of pleonastic constructions in the prose text of I. A. Bunin, in revealing the range of their stylistic and intratextual functions.

The Author’s Proverb ‘Don’t Boast While Coming to Russia, but Boast While Scuttling Away Across the Border’ in the Russian Language of 1905–1907

The article analyzes the author’s proverb Don’t boast while coming to Russia, but boast while scuttling away across the border, which has not previously attracted the researchers’ attention. The analysis was accomplished with the help of the author’s technique of a diachronic analysis of transformed proverbs of the Russian language; the source proverb was determined. It was scientifically proved that the system prototype can be recognized in the author’s proverb, and the statement expressed in the author’s proverb was defined.

On Lexical Variability in Translations from the Dead Language (Flora and Fauna in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign and its French Translations)

The article discusses the phenomenon of lexical variability on the example of the names of flora and fauna in French retranslations of the Tale of Igor’s Campaign (11 texts). In the course of the study a number of reasons for lexical variability are determined: various reconstructions of the Old Russian text, parallel Russian texts from which translations were made, standard translator’s solutions.
