Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The term and concept of ‘media’: The aspects of hermeneutics of research

The article presents the results of modeling the semantic processes taking place during the hermeneutic interpretation of the Russian term and concept of ‘media’. The paper examines the synonymous pair of the univerb ‘медиа’ (‘media’) and generating word-combination ‘средства массовой информации’ (‘means of mass information’). As a result of semantic condensation, the components ‘information’ and ‘masses’ lose their original semantics, and the ‘intermediary’ component acts as the dominant one.

The poetic picture of the world of Sophia de Mello: Cognitive strategy and organizing principles

The article examines the cognitive strategy chosen by the Portuguese poet Sophia de Mello (1919–2004). The poems are analyzed according to the criteria of a harmonious/disharmonious perception of the world, the predominance of objective/subjective point of view, as well as from the point of view of performing an orienting function or creating the effect of disorientation.

Modeling the content and structure of the concept persistence in the russian language consciousness

The article considers the representation of the concept persistence in the Russian language consciousness. On the basis of the associative experiment, the author describes the field organization of the concept persistence in accordance with the core and peripheries and models the structure of this concept by distributing cognitive characteristics among the sensitive-figurative, information and interpretative fields.

Some approaches to the study of the semantics of the French preposition à

The article examines some approaches to the semantics of the French preposition à, more specifically its spatial meaning. The researches of the main French linguists which focus on the semantics of the prepositions, including the preposition à, were analysed as a theoretical basis (cognitive approach).

Extra-linguistic factors and intra-lingual specific features of teaching Russian as a foreign language in groups of students from Laos

This article studies extra-linguistic and intra-lingual factors affecting the effectiveness of teaching Russian to cadets from Laos. The study analyzes the cultural typology of R. Lewis in relation to the extra-linguistic specific nature of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The translation of folklore and mythic names in magic worldview modelling in fantasy literature (Based on J. K. Rowling’s series of novels Harry Potter and their translations into russian)

The research focuses on fantasy literature peculiarities and points out the difficulties of translating the texts of such genre. The comparative analysis of folklore and mythical names translation is implemented as illustrated by two variants of translation of the literary work.

Military-Chemical Terminology: Genetic and Historical Analysis

The article considers the formation of military-chemical vocabulary from the dynamic perspective. The development of the military-chemical terminological sublanguage is presented from the point of view of its connection with the most significant events in the military history of Russia. Based on the results of the historical and linguistic analysis the main methods of term formation and term replenishment have been identified; the migration of terminological units over thematic groups has been shown.

The Concept Misery in the Eponymous Novel by Stephen King and Thriller Genre Conventions

The article considers the existing approaches in linguistics to the study of the concept verbalization in a literary text; a comprehensive approach is applied to the study of the concept ‘misery’ in the eponymous novel by Stephen King, which allows us to determine the contribution of linguaculture, genre and ideostyle of the author to this process. The hypothesis is put forward about the meaningfulness of Christian connotations of the concept ‘misery’ in King’s text.

KeyWords as a Tool for the Interpretation of a Literary Text

The author proceeds from the premise that key words are textual operators providing the translation of information from the factual level to the conceptual one. The mechanism of the reader’s interpretation of the text based on key words is described on the example of the story by V. Dragunsky A red balloon in the blue sky. The hermeneutic function of key words renders it possible to consider them a tool of the cognitive poetics of perception.

Food Tradition in the Folk Speech Culture: Products, Dishes, Drinks (On the Example of Vologda Dialects)

This article analyzes food tradition in the folk speech culture based on the material of Vologda dialects. The article examines one of the main elements of the food tradition – the names of food items, dishes and drinks. The research is carried out by means of the thematic classification of units: the composition of the thematic group and the functioning of units in speech are analyzed.
