Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Scientific Pictures of the World and Their Variants in the Russian Language

The article discusses the factors influencing the development of variability of scientific pictures of the world based on the material of science’ and humanities’ terminologies in the Russian language. The correlation of the concepts ‘naïve picture of the world’, ‘scientific picture of the world’, ‘professional picture of the world’, as well as the typology of variants of scientific pictures of the world are considered.

Manipulation in the American Political Discourse: The Linguo-Pragmatic Aspect

The article provides an analysis of manipulation in the American political discourse of 2015–2016. It is postulated that manipulation inherently belongs to the people’s speech and in particular to the speech of the politicians. In this respect, it is deemed to be wrong to study manipulation in an exclusively negative light. The focus of the research is the effect of the manipulatory impact and this interest is predetermined by the emphasis on the linguo-pragmatic aspects of communication.

To the Question of the Exactness of the Term (Based on the Germanic Linguistic Terminology in the Field of Dialectology)

The article considers the main issues of defining the exact term: factors facilitating the exactness and factors preventing the precise definition of the term. The author researches the main scientific methods used to specify the meaning of a term unit.

The Didactic Multifunctionality of Internationalisms in the Teaching Practice of Russian as a Foreign Language

The article deals with international lexis as a specific class of vocabulary that unifies the words referring to various international realities, which makes this class vital for teaching Russian as a foreign language. The authors analyze the specific features and the linguodidactic value of the class for the teaching methods of Russian for foreign students at different levels.

The Peculiarities of the Functioning of the Model Inf-Adv-o Sentences in Modern Business Communication

The article analyzes some peculiarities of how sentences of the model Inf-Adv-o function in modern business communication. Such sentences usually express teleological or normative evaluations of various social or mental actions. This is due to the subject-matter of business communication. The reverse order of the main members of the sentence (inversion) is more common in the spoken form of business communication.

To the Question of the Correlation of the Notions of a ‘Fashionable Word’ and a ‘Key Word of the Modern Times’

The aim of this article is to try to differentiate the notions of fashionable words and key words of the modern times. The comparative analysis of these linguistic phenomena is presented in this work. The author comes to the conclusion that fashionable words characterize the aesthetic tastes of society, have a bright outer shell, in the center of attention of native speakers are short time.

Linguocultural Concept ‘Doctor’ in the Russian Artistic Medical Discourse (Based on the Novel The City Surgeon’s Notes by Dmitry Pravdin)

The article focuses on the specific features of verbalization of the linguo-cultural concept ‘doctor’ in the Russian artistic medical discourse. The article aims to define the linguo-cultural concept of the artistic medical discourse, to explain the specific nature of linguistic means which objectify it in the Russian linguo-culture, to find out nuclear, near-nuclear and peripheral components of this concept, to define forms of its linguistic actualization.

Intertext as a Method of Creating the Information Tension of a Dicteme

The article deals with the study of the intertext as a means of creating the information tension in a dicteme. It is justly pointed that the intertext is capable of delivering significantly more information than its verbal segment immediately contains. This ability is based on the mechanism of extracting the necessary associations from precedent texts, represented in a dicteme in the form of quotations and allusions.

To the Question of the Specificity of a Multicultural Literary Text

The article shows the results of a multicultural literary texts’ analysis aimed at revealing their linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. The emphasis is placed on the methods of applying such a linguistic notion as ‘image response’ as one of the units/means of a multicultural literary text analysis.

Specific Character of the Narrative Modality of Pushkin’s Prose Fragments

The article deals with the features of the narrative modality category in Pushkin’s prose fragments. It is concluded that the internal focalization and a homodiegetic narrator dominate in the fragments, the latter explicitly reveals himself through self-presentation. External focalization is actualized in the narrator with the help of the third-person narration. The narrator’s specific features comprise his omniscience of the hero’s steps and actions, and his ignorance of the hero’s inner world, emotions and feelings.
