Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

The Concept of Nature in the Poem by M. Tsvetayeva «Bus»

In this article an attempt is made to include the poem «Bus» by M. Tsvetayeva (1934–1936) in the large but poorly investigated subject – the concept of nature in the creative work of a poet. Tsvetayeva’s romantic ideas of nature as harmonious, perfect, ideal world situated beyond socio-political circumstances, form the poet’s deep philosophy of life and become part of her notions of ethics and aesthetics.

«An Artist and a Human Being as One Entity»: to the Question of the Correlation and Interaction of the Biographical and Fictional Principles in the Creative Work of A.I. Solzenitsyn

Skaftymov’s definition of «an artist and a human being as one entity» is directly applicable to the creative method of A.I. Solzenitsyn. Deep understanding of an artistic research, aesthetic approach of a realism writer corroborate the scientific thoughts of A.P. Skaftymov, who predetermined the characteristics of the new writer type and the new prose type of the XXth century.

The Epigraph as a Form of Dialogue of the Author and the Reader: Based on «Kukotsky Mishap» by L. Ulitskaya

The article deals with the epigraph as a form of dialogue between the author and the reader that is essential for the realization of narrative strategies in a novel. The implementation of the epigraph helps the reader not only to understand the message of the work, but allows him to join in co-creating.

Alain Robbe-Grillet: Jealousy in a labyrinth of signs and structures

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the best books of a renowned French writer on the background of the birth of the last vivid literary trend in the French literature of the XXth century – the New Novel, one of the outstanding representatives of which was A. Robbe-Grillet. This article comprises historical and literary commentary and, where necessary, short analysis of the most significant features of the writer’s style.

E.P. Lyutsenko in Receptive History of «Division of Land» («Die Teilung der Erde») by F. Shiller

In this article reveals the facts of the history of Russian translational perception of F. Shiller’s poem “Land Division” («Die Teilung der Erde») from 1805 to 2008. Nine Russian translations from different periods of Russian literature are successively compared to the original; literary traditions of the epoch of the translation and the stages of the Russian translation theory are disclosed. Particular attention is dedicated to the translation made by E.P. Lyutsenko as to the first Russian translator of this poem.

Theatrical Fate of One Comedy («Brigadier» by D.I. Fonvizin in Russian Theatre)

The article presents the theatrical fate of the first Russian original drama piece – the comedy «Brigadier» by D.I. Fonvizin. There is an attempt to analyze the interpretation potential of the literary work in question.

Peculiarities of Autobiographical Narration in F.M. Dostoyevsky’s Novel «Idiot»

In memories-impressions of the main character of the novel «Idiot» on the Swiss nature, the tin cross and the condition before attacks of epilepsy the mechanism of mingling past with present based on the internal logic of hero’s subconsciousness is traced. External events are only a certain external impulse activating and provoking the work of thought, connecting the events of external life with those of spiritual life, which allows to estimate past events from the point of view of the present and actually is a way of mastering the reality.

Game Strategies in V. Nabokov’s Lectures on Literature

The article analyzes the literary game and narrative strategies in V. Nabokov’s Lecture Discourse. The results allow us to believe that Nabokov has used the fictional methods in his Lectures. The correlation of Subject and Object of creativity allows us to speak about Lecture Discourse as an artistic integrity.

Three Time-planes of London in «The House of Doctor Dee» by Peter Ackroyd

The article studies the image of London and explores its main characteristics in the novel by a contemporary British postmodernist P. Ackroyd.


On the material of two essays by John Fowles dedicated to the great English late Victorian novelist Thomas Hardy, features and evolution of the creative manner of the Fowles-essayist are considered.
