Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

L. Dobychin’s ‘Acquisition of Prospects’ and Yu. Tynyanov’s ‘System Change’ as the Elements of Post-modernism Aesthetics

The article considers the peculiarity of L. Dobychin’s narrative strategy on the example of the novel The Town of N; the author points out the significance of Yu. Tynyanov’s theoretic and methodological ideas for the modern research of post-modernist aesthetics.

To the Issue of M. E. Saltykov’s Circle in Tver: Natalya Sergeevna Rzhevskaya

The article raises the question of whether the people from M. E. Saltykov’s circle in his provincial periods of life should be noticed. N. S. Rzhevskaya, a talented singer and composer, a friend of Saltykov in his Tver and later Ryazan periods, was one of them; her relationships with the writer were based on trust.

The Motive of Absentmindedness and the Parisian Theme in A. P. Chekhov’s Comedy «The Cherry Orchard»

The rich motive of absentmindedness that pervades the last comedy by A. P. Chekhov «The Cherry Orchard» is regarded in this article from the perspective of the Parisian theme forbidden in the household and closely related to innermost passionate anxieties of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

Lifebelts of Art (To the Question of the Aesthetic Concept by O. Forsh)

The article is devoted to Olga Forsh’s thoughts about the nature of art, its purpose, about the role of cultural heritage in the life of society. Theoretical discourse of the writer enables us to understand different stages of her creative career, to come closer to comprehending her aesthetic concept.

P. V. Annenkov about the Oeuvre of A. F. Pisemsky: the Object of Criticism, Evolution of Evaluations, Genre Gradations

The article presents a consecutive chronological analysis of three program articles by P. V. Annenkov dedicated to A. F. Pisemsky’s works from the perspective of the individual and poetic, topical, but, in the first place, the most important for the critic, genre analysis.

Novel «The First Circle» in the Aspect of the Discursive Reflection of Concepts of the Russian Liberal Movement of the End of the XIIth and the Beginning of the XXth Centuries

The article dwells on the issue of how the ideas of the Russian liberal movement in the pre-October period are reflected in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel «The First Circle». The author points out that those concepts are significantly meaningful in the conceptual structure of the novel; the interrelation of the concepts with the development of the theme of the Russian peasantry in this work by A. I. Solzhenitsyn is highlighted.

A. F. Pisemsky and the Journal Otechestvenniye Zapiski (Homeland Notes) on Censorship Issues

The article contains a first time comprehensive analysis of A. F. Pisemsky’s major epistolary addressed to the editor of the journal Otechestvenniye Zapiski A. A. Krayevsky. This literary work exhaustively features the writer’s point of view on the issues of contemporary literature, literary censorship, and free thought in Russia. The letter is regarded as one of the unregistered acts within the framework of Russian writers’ public campaign of 1861 for the ease of censorship.

Z. I. Grzhebin and the Literary-artistic Almanacs of Shipovnik (dog-rose) Publishing House

The article presents an attempt to define the role of Z. I. Grzhebin in a pre-revolutionary publishing company – the Literary-Artistic Almanacs of Shipovnik Publishing House (1907-1917) in order to determine his contribution as the company’s founder and co-owner, and to find out certain relationships with Shipovnik’s staff.

Motives and Images of Soviet Authorities in Printed Collections of P. Oreshin, L. Gumilyevskiy and A. Vinokurov

The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the formation of images and characters of the supreme and local Soviet authorities in the publications which appeared in Saratov and Balashov editions in the 1920s.

The Poem of Bulat Okudzhava «You’re not Drunkards, You’re not Vagrants…»: the Dialogue with Blok on the Background of Kipling

In the article Blok’s tradition is revealed in the image of the Beautiful Lady in Bulat Okudzhava’s poetry (an early poem by Okudzhava “You’re Not Drunkards, You’re Not Vagrants…” is taken as an example). Kipling’s motives in the poem also add to the recognition of Blok’s tradition.
