Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

On Mark Tarlovsky and His Poem «Poetry by the City-provost’s Daughter»

The article discusses the literary fate of M. A. Tarlovsky, his place in the Russian poetry, as well as some peculiarities of his perception of the characters of the comedy «Auditor».

To the Poetics of the Images of A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin. Varravin and Raspluev

The article deals with the images of General Varravin and Rasplyuev and examines their relationships. The researcher shows how the state, represented by Varravin, creates a monster, which at some point becomes a danger not only for the city inhabitants, but also for its own creators.

Ekphrasis as a Device in the Novel by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The First Circle»

In the article the role of the picturesque ekphrases in the novel by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The First Circle» is researched; the principles of the writer’s work with real visual objects are identified; abundant data has been gathered about the artist and graphic painter S. M. Ivashеv- Musatov, the prototype of the hero – artist Kondrashov-Ivanov; previously unattended ekphrasis variants in the early versions and the final version of the novel are studied in the paper.

To the Storyline of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s Dramatic Satire Shadows. Shalimov’s Intrigue

This article offers a new view of the storyline and dramatic conflict in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin’s dramatic satire Shadows. According to the author’s hypothesis, the driving force of the plot is an off-stage character Schalimov whom literary critics have often considered as an ‘ideal’, quixotic character. In the article Schalimov is analyzed from the point of view of political intrigues in which the characters of the play are involved. The author of the article also offers his idea of the reasons behind Saltykov-Shchedrin’s sudden loss of interest to this play.

Studies of Lermontov by V. Ropshin (B. Savinkov): Novel «The Pale Horse»

In the present article it is attempted to substantiate analytically the elements of literary prototypical features of the title characters of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel «Princess Ligovskaya» and the novel «A Hero of Our Time» as related to the main character of the novel by V. Ropshin «The Pale Horse». George’s individualism, the representative of the 1900s and the head of the terrorist group, goes back to the romantic individualism of Lermontov’s namesake hero and his follower – a «hero of the time».

Time in B. Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago

In the article the time structure of the novel Doctor Zhivago is examined in the context of Pasternak’s idea of imaginative reality. Time in the novel is presented as a row of interlacing mutually defining layers: the author’s time, the time of lyrical affection, the time of the characters, the reader’s time, breakthroughs to the Eternity create a complex unity of the narrative structure.

«New Vision»: Visual Codes of the Russian Formalism

The article analyzes how the change of visual codes in the Russian culture of the 1910–1920s is perceived in the works of formalists. Within this framework such things are regarded as the technique of ‘estrangement’ by V. Shklovsky, the problem of visual image and word correspondence, the interaction of literature and cinematography in the works by Yu. Tynyanov, V. Shklovsky, B. Eichenbaum.

Factors of Ambiguity and Risk in the Professional Activity of Russian Journalists in the Second Part of XIX Century

The article considers the conditions of the journalists’ work which form the situations of ambiguity and risk in their professional activity: the interference of censorship, relationships with censors and other authority representatives. The attention is given to the journalists’ attempts to influence the process of preparation of Censorial Regulations of 1862.

Futuristic Poetics of A. Bely’s Novel «Petersburg»

The article deals with the study of the futuristic poetics features in the novel by A. Bely «Petersburg»; common points of A. Bely and the Russian literary avant-guarde are revealed; the research of different layers of artistic methods making A. Bely akin to futurists is conducted.
