Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

The History of A.A. Fet’s «My Memoirs»: the Draft Plan

The article presents to scholarly attention a manuscript by A.A. Fet – the first draft of the poet’s memoirs and offers a commentary to the publication of the text.

«Bravely Shall I Go Down to Eternity»

The article deals with the theme of death in «Les mémoires d’outre-tombe» by F-R. de Chateaubriand in the light of his concept of life, religious beliefs and tradition of autobiographical narrative in French Romantic prose


The article is devoted to one of the most outstanding poets of France in the second half of the 19th century. Paul Verlaine, who began his career in the vein of romanticism and completed it with the discovery of a new literary and aesthetic direction. The authors trace the main stages of this evolution, related to the creation of Verlaine's central poetry collections (from "Saturnic verses" to "Songs without Words"). Specific features of impressionism as a new style in literature are characterized.


The article deals with the problems of establishing boundaries between the genres of memoir and autobiographical prose, their genealogy and dominant attributes are suggested. The specific character of the memoir and autobiographical styles is analyzed.


Images of Karamzin and the Decembrists in the Bard Poetry

The images of N.M. Karamzin and Decembrists emerge, starting from the late 1960s up to the early 1990-s, in the context of the meditation over the problems of history in the songs and poems of the bards: A.Galitsh, A.Gorodnitskiy, V.Dolina, M.Scherbakov.

I. Annensky on the Style of A.F. Pisemsky and A.N. Ostrovsky

Among the poets and writers of the Silver Age the article singles out Yu.Aikhenvald and I.Annensky, drawing attention to their articles on A.F.Pisemsky, one of the most controversial authors of the midXIX-the century. Both critics concentrated on the characters’ speech in Pisemsky’s works finding it his most specific trait as an author, and both offered deep insights in Pisemsky’s world and further vistas for its analysis. Following into their steps, the article contains some new observations on Pisemsky’s style.

Receptive «Aesthetics of History» of D.S. Merezhkovsky

The article analyses the principles of literary-historical cognition in the literary heritage of D.S. Merezhkovsky which so far haven’t been studied enough. These principles include «aesthetic appeal to epistemology», textual approach to history, method of «analytical reading» of the «Books of History», etc. The article reflects on the genre characteristics of the historiophilosophic novel by D.S.

Poetics of Titles in V.V. Nabokov-Sirin

The article deals with semantics and inner typology of NabokovSirin’s titles, treated as ‘opening words’ of respective poetic and prosaic texts, in order to penetrate the writer’s way of thinking and describe his specific language culture. 

V. Nabokov and M. Aldanov: the Dialogue on Chance in History

The article compares the aesthetic views of V. Nabokov and M. Aldanov on the role of contingency in history, in human’s fate, in creative process. Their articles, short stories and novels «King, Queen, Knave», «The Gift» by Nabokov, «The Cave» and «Sources» by Aldanov, Aldanov’s philosophical «The Ulm Night» make up the materials for the research.

Category of Space in Andrey Platonov’s Artistic World and its Existential Essence

The article analyzes the category of space in Andrey Platonov’s world as multilevel phenomenon. It describes philosophical characteristics of every space level, reveals the significant connections with the category of time, and offers the interpretation of the existential meaning of these categories. 
