Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Poetics of Titles in V.V. Nabokov-Sirin

The article deals with semantics and inner typology of NabokovSirin’s titles, treated as ‘opening words’ of respective poetic and prosaic texts, in order to penetrate the writer’s way of thinking and describe his specific language culture. 

V. Nabokov and M. Aldanov: the Dialogue on Chance in History

The article compares the aesthetic views of V. Nabokov and M. Aldanov on the role of contingency in history, in human’s fate, in creative process. Their articles, short stories and novels «King, Queen, Knave», «The Gift» by Nabokov, «The Cave» and «Sources» by Aldanov, Aldanov’s philosophical «The Ulm Night» make up the materials for the research.

Category of Space in Andrey Platonov’s Artistic World and its Existential Essence

The article analyzes the category of space in Andrey Platonov’s world as multilevel phenomenon. It describes philosophical characteristics of every space level, reveals the significant connections with the category of time, and offers the interpretation of the existential meaning of these categories. 

Formation of Fiction-Writing Principles in B.L. Pasternak’s Epistolary

The article contributes to the study of B.L. Pasternak’s personal and creative identity as depending on the circumstances of his epoch. The object of study is formed by Pasternak’s reflections on the principles of creating fiction found in his epistolary heritage of the 1910-s – 1960-s. 

Facets of the Critic’s Speech Identity (Publications of R.V. Ivanov-Razumnik in Zavety magazine)

The article examines the genres of “little folk-tale”, fable, anecdote, as the most characteristic semantic-stylistic forms of the ironic statement used by R.V. lvanov-Razumnik п his open аnd indirect polemical writings in the pages of Zavety magazine (1912—1914), aiming аt elucidating the speech identity о! the critic. 

Discourse Going Into Glamour: Language in V.Pelevin’s Empire V

The latest novel by V. Pelevin is looked into а$ а text centered оп е language, as demonstrated by examination of plot, motive structure, key metaphors and style of the novel. The parallels are suggested between Pelevin's idea of the place аnd function of the language аnd the twentieth-century language philosophy, as well as post-structuralist language concepts. 

Intentional Forms of the Author’s Presence in N.V. Gogol’s «Marriage»

A wide range of conscious, intentional forms of the author’s presence in Gogol’s drama is revealed on the material of the play «Marriage».


The article deals with the symbolic meaning of the medieval novel and its genre nomination. The word "romanz" and the genre of the novel itself refers to Rome and the prestigious, legitimizing tradition, one way or another connected with Rome. in this sense, a medieval novel can be considered as a specific secular and literary analogy of the strategy of "empire transfer".


The article deals with the dominant conceptual models used for the metaphorical representation of power structures in the Russian and American political media discourse, describes their structures, reveals common and national specific features, which allows to draw a conclusion about the nature of the perception of political leaders and institutions of power in two linguistic cultures.

Literary Songs and Song of Unhappy Love in Russian Roma’s Repertoire

The article shows how Russian literary songs and song of unhappy love acquires specific national features in the Roma’s performing. Some texts not published before are included. 

