Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

A. P. Skaftymov’s Letters to N. M. Chernyshevskaya of the 1920-1940s (on the Materials of the N. G. Chernyshevskiy Museum).

The article views the letters of A. P. Skaftymov to N. M. Chernyshevskaya of the 1920-1940s from the N. G. Chernyshevskiy museum stock. Different connections of the two scientists are covered, the details of A. P. Skaftymov’s studying the life and creative works of N. G. Chernyshevskiy, his participation in the activities of the museum, that in those years was a certain center of developing and promoting the writer’s literary heritage. 

A. P. Skaftymov’s Letters to P. N. Sakulin

In this article five letters (dated1924-1929) of A. P. Skaftymov to the literary critic and academicianP.N.Sakulin are published for the first time.

А. P. Skaftymov and Yu. G. Oksman: the Antinomy of Characters

The article offers the contrastive comparison of two figures of humanitarian culture unique in their scientific methods and especially in their personalities and characters. The author relies on the correspondence materials of the two scientists and on a wide circle of sources published in recent years.

Artistic Evolution of Pilnyak’s Prose of the 1930s

The article is dedicated to a problem of artistic evolution of Pilnyak’s poetics analyzed on the example of his later works. The main development pattern of the writer’s work is singled out; the author’s idea changing from the short broken forms of narrative to more complicated genre formation is traced in details. In spite of the repentance and the betrayal of his positions, Pilnyak’s faithfulness to himself and his adherence to the artistic principles are emphasized. 

Liturgical Formulas in the Titles of Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Poems

The article deals with the symbolist strategy of naming Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poetic texts. The analysis of his poems with the titles including liturgical formulas confirms the deliberateness of the liturgical discourse created by the author to solve religious and aesthetic problems.


M. O. Gershenzon and the Problem of Scientific Research Method

The article deals with the problem of scientific research method as applied to the early 20th century Russian literary criticism and literary science. Deep links between Gershenzon’s works and the cultural and historical school heritage are shown. The author touches upon some unsolved questions of methodological attribution of M. O. Gershenzon.


«Theatre de la Revolution» of R. Rolland. To the Problem of the Synthesis of Arts

The article is dedicated to “Theatre de la Revolution” of R. Rolland – a cycle of plays about the French revolution of 1789, which is viewed in the aspect of the problem of the synthesis of the arts (in this case – the literary and musical arts). As a result of the analysis of «Theatre de la Revolution» poetics compared to the symphonic quality of Beethoven (who Rolland was guided by), the naturalness and the reasonableness of Rolland’s including the musical symphonic element in his dramaturgic cycle is proved.


The article deals with problems of terminological unity, forms and boundaries of «memoir» genre in modern literary criticism on the example of F. M. Dostoevsky’s works. A lot of his letters, «Writer’s Diary», and also many fragments of his novels are closely related to memoir genre. Thus the laws of memoir narration are revealed in these parts of Dostoevsky’s literary heritage different in genre nature, but entering the original interaction with their own genre’s principles. 


N. V. Gogol’s Novel «Overcoat» in the Early Stage of Perception in the English Language Space (on the Translation by C. J. Hogarth)

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the English version of N. V. Gogol’s «Overcoat» that was made by C. J. Hogarth in 1918; some of the main problems that the translators encounter while dealing with the text of the novel are mentioned; the means used for rendering social and national particularities of the text and the plot, Gogol’s narrative technique and reasoning. 


Literary Songs and Song of Unhappy Love in Russian Roma’s Repertoire

The article shows how Russian literary songs and song of unhappy love acquires specific national features in the Roma’s performing. Some texts not published before are included. 

