Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Zahar Prilepin’s «Boundary Lyricism»: the Author and the Reader in Prose Works of the turn of XX–XXIst centuries

Interaction between the author and «one’s own» reader inside the literary text (in broader meaning – the problem of the reader) is the main object of the following article. Philological analysis is based upon the prose works of Zakhar Prilepin. The main goal of the research is to determine the parameters of the author’s strategy which is personified in the fiction of the most popular Russian writers at the turn of the XX–XXIst centuries.

Picturesque Ekphrasis as a Means of the Protagonist Characterization in D. Rubina’s Novel The White Dove of Cordoba

The article discusses the oeuvre interpretation of Zahar Kordovin, the protagonist of D. Rubina’s novel The White Dove of Cordoba. The pictures of the artist are analyzed from the point of view of ekphrasis which is defined as a verbal description of visual art images in literary text.

What a Carve Up! by Jonathan Coe as a Postmodern Detective Story

What a Carve Up! by Jonathan Coe is analyzed as an example of application of traditional detective conventions in postmodern narrative; their ideological and compositional functions in the novel are revealed.

А. F. Pisemskiy’s Novel A Thousand Souls in Contemporaneous Critical Reviews

The article contains an overall systematic and comparative analysis of the critical reviews on A. F. Pisemsky’s novel A Thousand Souls in the contemporaneous printed media. The analysis is done from the following points: journal discussion of the type of Pisemsky’s talent, innovations in the image of the main character, and the novel problem range and its relation to the «accusatory literature» of the 1850s.

Karamzin’s Code in B. Okudzhava’s Novel A Date with Bonaparte. Article 1. Arina from the Maidservants’ Room

In two articles we propose to consider Karamzin’s reminiscences (predominantly from the novel Poor Liza) in the novel by B. Sh. Okudzhava A Date with Bonaparte. The first article is dedicated to the plot lines of the novel related to the image of the serf Arina. One of the most important historic problems of the novel is actualized in them (serfdom); they also contain links to the up-to-date issues of the relationships between the intelligentsia and the people, inner and outer freedom.

The Fantastic in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign Content

The article regards how the fantastic constituent is revealed on the plot, composition, and image levels of the text of The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.

P. G. Bogatyrev – a Fairy-tale Collector (the Expedition of 1914–1915)

Four expedition periods have been identified in the process of P. G. Bogatyrev collecting fairy-tales (in Moscow, Saratov, Arkhangelsk regions, in the Carpathian Rus’ and in the Carpathians). The history of the first one is traced on the basis of the archive materials (expedition records, minutes of the Society of Natural Science, Anthropology, and Ethnography at the Imperial Moscow University, folklore specialists’ reviews) and the publications of P. G. Bogatyrev and other scientists.

Gender «Politics» of a Female Author (on the Example of L. Ulitskaya’s Novels)

The article formulates the methodological principles for the identification of the gender constituent in the analysis of literary texts. Four novels by L. Ulitskaya show the dynamics of the actualized discursive gender model of the world and human being. The article focuses on the techniques of feminine consciousness representation in the text, on their dynamics in the process of a female author searching for the type of an ideal hero.

Functions of Vaudeville Poetics in E. Petrov’s Play The World’s Island

The article researches the interaction of the satirical and vaudeville origins in E. Petrov’s play The World’s Island. The functions of the vaudeville poetics are identified on the level of the action development and character images.

Self-quotе and Self-reminiscence in Gaston Leroux’s Novels

The article considers self-referential items in the oeuvre of Gaston Leroux – the master of a popular novel – particularly on the example of the Rouletabille cycle. The author pays closer attention to the novel Rouletabille and the Tsar in which Leroux inserted the data from his earlier articles and sketches about Russia.
