Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

«Regents of Our Dreams Struggling with the Guardians of Our Minds»: on S. D. Krzhizhanovsky’s Works That Failed to Be Published During the «Thaw» Period

The article analyzes the circumstances of fiction and theoretical works by S. D. Krzhizhanovsky being banned for publication at the end of the 1950s due to censorship. For the first time unpublished internal reviews of the author’s works from the archives of the publishing house «Sovietsky pisatel» are drawn on, as well as the materials of the committee on the writer’s literary legacy, and the letters of his friends (RGALI – Russian State Archive of Literature and Art).

Heroic Spirit in Memoires by Mlle de Montpensier

The article considers instances of heroics in Memoires by Mlle de Montpensier on the example of the Fronde events. Her ideas of heroic behavior are analyzed as well as the development of the heroic content of the protagonist image under the influence of historic, ethical, and literary factors.

Childhood in the «Memoires» by Mlle De Montpensier

The article considers Mlle de Montpensier’s approach to depicting childhood on the materials of her «Memoires». The viewpoint of the memoire writer is analyzed as compared to the image of the protagonist; the significance of the ‘childhood’ piece in the context of the whole book is determined.

Poetry of the Battle Field and of the Rear Area: N. Gumilev and G. Ivanov

The article offers formal criteria of differentiating the military poetry of N. Gumilev from the opinion journalism poetry of G. Ivanov (collection «Fame Memorial»): communicative structure of the poem; the image of the speaker – the image of the rhetorician; tropes preferred; the system of metaphoric models and the ingenuity of their content; figures of speech; the degree of speech being clichéd, etc.

First Futuristic

The article considers the issue of «futurism and war» in philosophical, cultural, aesthetic aspects. The analysis of the futuristic poetics confirms the fact that this phenomenon was historically determined in national and world culture.

The Historic and the Existential in the Articles by A. P. Skaftymov on A. P. Chekhov’s Drama

The article regards the correlation of two approaches of A. P. Skaftymov to the interpretation of A. P. Chekhov’s plays – the historic and the existential; the «polyglottism» of the scientist’s works is researched; the link of his ideas with the emergent existential philosophy is revealed.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn in K. I. Chukovsky’s Diaries and Letters

The history of the two writers’ interaction is traced on the material of K. I. Chukovsky’s diaries and letters.

Private Life in the Memoires by Duke La Rochefoucauld

In the article the correlation of the private and the public in the French court society of the second half of the XVIIth century is considered; the changes in the share of the themes touching upon private life are traced; the means of its depiction are analyzed.

Noblewoman’s Fate in Sisters’ Mancini Memoirs and the Problem of Social Risks

The article deals with the problem of social risks related to the status of a noblewoman in French society in the second half of the 17th century on the material of the memoirs by Hortense and Marie Mancini; writing memoirs is regarded as a means of decreasing these risks.
