Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

The Russian Literary Process of the XXIst Century: Zahar Prilepin and Tatуana Tolstaya «On the Ring» of Facebook

The Russian literary process of the XXIst century is influenced by the highly developed information technology; the works of literature and the authors’ statuses find a new embodiment in the sphere of social media instead of traditional publication forms. The article is dedicated to the controversial literary dialogue between Zahar Prilepin and Tatуana Tolstaya which took place «on the ring» of Facebook.

the Play The Rich Bride by I. Ilf, E. Petrov, V. Kataev: the Functions of the Play Poetics

The article studies the play poetics in I. Ilf, E. Petrov, V. Kataev’s play The Rich Bride. The role of the play is singled out on the level of character and action development, and the language strategies of the co-authors. The satirical (social and political) underlying message of the new time vaudeville is revealed, as well as the ambiguity in portraying the kolkhoz life of the 1930s in the play.

Unpublished Notebooks of M. M. Zoshchenko. An Attempt at Description

The article focuses on the notebooks of M. M. Zoshchenko. The materials from the museums of St. Petersburg, IRLI (the Institute of Russian Literature), and, first of all, of the funds of the State Literary Museum «XXth century». M. M. Zoshchenko’s working notebooks, pocket-books are undoubtedly the most important source for the scientific biography of the writer. They represent the test-bench or the testing ground for the development, masks, plots, a range of techniques in the course of M. M. Zoshchenko’s oeuvre.

Siberian Sources of Vsevolod Ivanov’s Story The Running Isle: From Evidence to Representation

In this article we review Siberian sources of Vs. Ivanov’s story The Running Isle (Begstvuyushchiy ostrov). For example, there is a story about Pokrovsky Nunnery of the Old Believers which is reflected in the works of Siberian writers of the early ХХth century; and the Russian folk utopian legend about Belovodye. The author solves the problem of genuine peasant power by comparing the new government and the folk utopian ideal.

A. N. Pypin in the Creative Biography of B. B. Glinsky

A. N. Pypin helped many beginning writers to identify their path. B. B. Glinsky was among them. Significant biographical facts related to the history of the writers’ relationships are revealed in understudied printed sources and archive materials introduced into the scientific circulation for the first time.

The Author’s Cunning in the Play The Denouement of «The Government Inspector»

The article considers one of the satellites of N. V. Gogol’s comedy The Government Inspector in which an important role is played by the phenomenon of the author’s cunning. All the phases and techniques of the author’s play are consistently revealed; they are aimed at offering the readers a new interpretation of the famous comedy.

Adelaida Ivanovna Krugel

The article is devoted to German motives in The Gamblers by N. V. Gogol and their connection with the ways of portraying a fraudulent environment. The author specifically focuses on one of the characters – the sharpie Krugel and the card pack called Adelaida Ivanovna. Moreover, these observations allow to draw conclusions on the ‘background thoughts’ of the author about human nature, hidden in comic dialogues of The Gamblers.

The Russian Comic Opera of the XVIIIth Century in Its Links with Literature and Theatre (on the Example of the Opera Oeuvre of V. A. Pashkevich)

The article studies the formation and development of the Russian musical theatre of the XVIIIth century. It focuses on the opera oeuvre of V. A. Pashkevich; close links between the Russian literature and music are traced in it; the major typological features of the Russian comic opera are singled out.

The Image of a Disgraced Princess in Memoires by Mlle de Montpensier

The article considers the protagonist image in Memoires by Mlle de Montpensier, related to the description of her life in exile after the Fronde events. The author analyzes how the royal disfavor impacts the changes in the views and inner world of the heroine. Comparing the text extracts written in exile with those written after it was over allows to show how the introspection deepens, and to draw the conclusion on the meaning of the memoire genre in the fate of the disgraced princess.

Yu. N. Chumakov, A. P. Skaftymov and the Saratov Philological ‘Nest’

The article discusses the important episodes of the history of Saratov philological school associated with the names of Yu. N. Chumakov, A. P. Skaftymov, E. I. Pokusaev.
