Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

On the Risk Zones in Interdisciplinary Research

The article deals with the problematic marginal zones of philological research. Risk zones related to the object, research methods, and terminology of interdisciplinary paradigm of humanities are shown.

Romance Tradition in Bulat Okudzhava’s Poetry: Poetics of «Vanka Morozov»

The poetic song of Bulat Okudzhava «Vanka Morozov» is regarded as an early manifestation of the poet’s self-determination in the context of the romance tradition. Juxtapositions with the genre thought to be the source of the poem (urban romance), with the parody and stylization of romance in the literature of the XXth century are given. The genesis of the key images and motives is traced. A new interpretation of the romance poetics transformation in Okudzhava’s poetry is offered.

Poetics of Rewriting in Thomas de Quincey’s Novel «Confessions of the English Opium-Eater»

This article proposes a new approach to the poetics of Thomas de Quincey’s «Confessions of the English Opium-Eater» through trace notion coined by Jacque Derrida. Confessional self-understanding in the novel is asserted in rewriting (rereading) of traces in the personal palimpsest of fate.

Две модели галантности в «Мемуарах» Бюсси-Рабютена

В статье рассматривается отражение специфического для французской культуры XVII в. феномена галантности в «Мемуарах» Бюсси-Рабютена, одного из блестящих представителей этой эпохи.

The Poet’s Roses: the Poem of Bulat Okudzhava «I don’t Want to Write…» in the Context of Classical Tradition

Okudzhava’s poem is regarded in the context of the classical poetics of rose, in the background of the traditional situation «farewell to the lira». The parallels with Pushkin’s, Batyushkov’s, Boratynsky’s and Khodasevich’s poetry are drawn.

«Notes From Behind the Corner» by A.G. Bitov as a Meta-poetic Text

In the article an attempt is made to analyze the text by A.G. Bitov «Notes From Behind the Corner» from the point of view of meta-poetics. On the basis of the «Notes…» the concept of the «meta-poetic text» is considered, the principles of the inner text space structure are researched. In the course of the «creative chronotopos» research meta-poetic data of this writer’s other texts is drawn, in relation to which a special author’s code is singled out.

Memoirs Status in the XVIIth century French Literature

In the article the history of the memoirs genre formation is considered; and its peculiarities in the XVIIth century French literature are defined against the background of the political and spiritual situation development, as well as historic thought and the aesthetics of the period.

Old Russian Feeble-Mindedness Phenomenon in the Fiction Space of the Novel «Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612» by M.N. Zagoskin

The 17-th century is the Time of trouble and the age of feeble-mindedness flourishing in Russia. Composing the first Russian historical novel M.N. Zagoskin could not help bringing the figure of Christian associate in the narration. The article shows ways of interpretation of some episodes with the «God’s fool» using Scriptural passages.

From Romanticism to Postmodernism: W. Irving’s Novel «The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow» (1819) and Tim Burton’s Film Version «The Sleepy Hollow» (1999)

The article analyzes the transformation of a literary work by one of the founders of American Romanticism into a post-modernist film canvas. Materials for the analysis are a short story by Washington Irving, «The Legend of Sleepy Hollow» (1819) and a Tim Burton film, «Sleepy Hollow» (1999).

National Identity in the short novel «Birthmark» by Lou Andreas-Salome

Based on the material of the story «Birthmark» (1923) by Lou AndreasSalome, a prominent German author of Russian descent, the paper considers differentiating attributes and levels of national identity. The paper draws on the contemporary researchers’ theoretical works on national identity.
