Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The Peculiarities of Modality Realization in Utterances with Adverbial Complicators

The article is dedicated to the examination of the peculiarities of modality realization in utterances with adverbial complicators. The author considers different types of modality, analyzes the instances of polymodality.

Lexostory as a Form of Providing Illustrative Material in a Dialect Dictionary

The article considers relevant issues of modern lexicography concerning the choice of the structural organization of acquittals. The advantages of such form of illustration delivery as a lexostory are shown on specific lexicographic material, and the principles of singling it out in a macro-tale of a dialect speaker are defined.

Composition and Structure of Lexicon at Different Stages of Ontogenesis

The article sums up the results of studying the composition and structure of the lexicon of school pupils of different age groups.

Tour Guidance as an Object of Professional Translation Activity Within the Framework of Tourist Discourse

The article deals with the peculiarities of tourist discourse from the perspective of translation activity on the example of the excursion genre. The author sets up the postulates for an interpreter to develop a translation strategy in order to achieve an adequate conventional action within the specified genre.

Communicative Notion of Categoricalness and Similar Communicative Categories

The article traces the interrelation of the categoricalness notion and similar communicative categories, such as objectivity, truthfulness, and emotional capacity.

Social and Communicative Aspects of Tolerance

The article deals with social and communicative aspects of tolerance and identifies their practical influence on text and its elements. The research represents a case-study of UN speeches.

On Specific Features of Multimodal Advertising Media Texts Interpretation

In the age of interactive multimedia the study of media texts is becoming the problem of topical interest. The article is devoted to the investigation of advertising media texts, their analysis and interpretation.

Modelling Cognitive Contexts of Verbal Irony (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)

The research represented in the article focuses on the modelling of the process of ironic meaning construction. The modelling is realized in the form of hierarchically organized mental spaces. These are cognitive contexts that provide comprehension of irony.

Discourse Specifics of the New Testament Parable Genre (on the Material of the Analysis of the Prodigal Son Parable)

The article is dedicated to the research of the genre specifics of religious Christian discourse and the peculiarities of discourse functioning of such secondary religious genre as a New Testament parable. The author singles out linguo-cognitive components of the Prodigal Son parable in Orthodox and Protestant discourses.

Vocal Morphonological Systems in Nominal Inflection

In the article three autonomous classifications of the systems under investigation are offered. The structural one: 1) hierarchical polymodel weakly typified (Russian, Ukrain, Polish, Check); 2) non-hierarchical poly-model weakly typified (Old Greek, Icelandic, Bulgarian); 3) non-hierarchical mono-model highly typified (English, German, Latin). The substratum one: 1) archaic (classical); 2) innovational (modern Slavic, Germanic). The content one: 1) minimal (Germanic, except the celandic); 2) medial (Russian, Latin, Old Greek); 3) maximal (the rest of the Slavic).
