Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Semantic and Cognitive Analysis of the Means of Concentrated Appeal to the Concept вера / faith

The article contains the semantic and cognitive analysis of the lexeme вера / faith, which nominates concept faith in the Russian and English languages; basic structural components of this lexeme are singled out; nationally specific features of the language and culture concept faith are defined in both Russian Orthodox and Protestant discourse types

Specific Features of French Speech Regionalization in France. Part II

The article discusses theoretical and research problems of the national language differentiation illustrated by regional variants of French in France.

Implicitness in Fantastic Realism Prose Fiction

The article focuses on two types of implicitness: implicitness of blended images, and implicitness as a result of correlation and suggestive influence of compositional, figurative, syntactical and grammatical structures of the text.

Discourse Analysis and Corpus Analysis in Historical Lexicology

This article considers the role of discourse analysis and corpus analysis in the investigation of historical development of the semantic structure of lexical units.

Means of D.A. Medvedev’s Speech Impact (Based on the Material of the Article “On, Russia!” and the Address to the Federal Assembly)

The article deals with the analysis of the means of D.A. Medvedev’s speech impact on the addressee. Depending on the form of the text or of the public performance, similarities and specific characteristics of the implementation of speech impact means are revealed.

Breach of the Ethical Conduct as One of the Reasons of Communicative Failures in Interaction

One of the frequent reasons of communicative failures in everyday speech interaction is considered in the article, namely a breach of the ethical conduct of communication. A particular emphasis is placed on the multifaceted nature of the ethical conduct definition. On the basis of the informal communication the author analyzes some constituents of this notion and their influence on the success of the communication process.

Role of Language Game in the Realization of Communicative Strategies of Teachers of Higher Education School

The article reveals and analyses types of language game, which are used by teachers of the school of higher education in the course of the educational process for the implementation of communicative strategies.


The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of social gender stereotypes, underlying the factor of the linguistic and semantic continuum, on the speech activity and gender-gender identification of men and women.

Pragmatic Orientation of Metaphorical Means of Expression in the Language of Economics (on the Material of the Television Sublanguage in the Federal Republic of Germany)

The article is devoted to the exploration of semantic and stylistic peculiarities of the German media language. The object of the research is specific features of the semantics and pragmatic influence of metaphorical means which are used in economic news broadcasts on FRG TV channel Deutsche Welle to present the global financial crisis. The analysis marks out the basic semantic spheres in which lexical units develop the same kind figurative meaning and gives several tendencies of forming terminology of economics using metaphorisation.
