For citation:
Borisova T. I. Phraseological Units with National Cultural Semantics in Modern German. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 31-36. , EDN: KUXSIZ
Phraseological Units with National Cultural Semantics in Modern German
The article deals with linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing the development and functioning of phrase units with national-cultural component in their semantics. The questionnaire offered to native German speakers revealed the reasons for dropping out of certain units of this group from the current active usage. The substitutes (variants and synonyms) and modifications most widely used in current German are next characterized as the best means of adapting phrase units to the current extra-linguistic situation without loss in meaning. The regional, social and psychological peculiarities in these phrase units usage in modern German are determined.
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