Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

немецкий язык

Внутренняя речь персонажа как способ проникновения «воображаемого» в «реальное» (на материале рассказа М. Л. Кашнитц «Соломинка»)

Статья посвящена установлению специфической роли внутренней речи в художественном тексте как инструмента внедрения нереального в реальный мир на примере короткого рассказа М. Л. Кашнитц «Соломинка» (M. L. Kaschnitz „Der Strohhalm”). Авторы опираются на идею речевых позиций во внутренних диалогах героини, понимаемые как отсутствующие или потенциальные собеседники; на концепцию деятельностного молчания, которое фактически означает воплощение замысла героини; на идею о перестраивании сущности «я» в сложно организованном процессе автокоммуникации.

Contrastive Analysis of the Term Metonymy in the Sphere of Fixation (on the Material of the Russian and German Languages)

The article considers definitions of the term metonymy as a part of the term system of means of stylistic expressiveness on the material of the German and Russian languages. The present research focuses on the necessity of using linguistic methods of describing this section of rhetoric. The author suggests describing the term of this section of rhetoric as a unit of logos. The method of lexical and notional groups is chosen as a way of description.

Phraseological Units with National Cultural Semantics in Modern German

The article deals with linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing the development and functioning of phrase units with national-cultural component in their semantics. The questionnaire offered to native German speakers revealed the reasons for dropping out of certain units of this group from the current active usage. The substitutes (variants and synonyms) and modifications most widely used in current German are next characterized as the best means of adapting phrase units to the current extra-linguistic situation without loss in meaning.

Specific Characteristics of English Borrowingsin German and Spanish

The article studies the process of borrowing, adaptation and functioning of English vocabulary in national dialects of German and Spanish. The positive and negative factors of the English borrowings influencing these languages are examined.

On the Forms of Actualizing Grammatical Categories in the Structure of a German Phraseological Unit

The article considers the grammatical characteristics of German phraseological units, highlights the dominant categorical grammatical features of nominal, verbal and verb-propositional phraseological units, and analyzes some possibilities for actualizing grammatical categories within a phraseological unit.

On the specifi c features of legal translation (A comparative study of the German, French and Spanish languages)

Legal terms are not uniform at the international level, but they are closely connected with a national legal system. This implies serious conceptual inconsistencies. The above-mentioned systemic connection leads to the fact that either boundaries of terms’ meanings belonging to diff erent jurisdictions or the degree of their explication may vary.