Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Discourse Strategy of the Spanish Political Party Podemos: Politics as a Struggle for Meanings

Language and politics are inseparably linked with each other as political action is, first of all, a speech action, and political processes are communicative processes and are constituted by means of language. In the article the communication policy of the Spanish political party Podemos is innovatively considered not only as an object, but also as the subject of reality, otherwise, as a way to form and model political reality.

Linguistic and Rhetorical Parameters of Delegitimizing Russia and Legitimizing the USA in the Speech of the U. S. Ambassadors to the UN

In the article the author conducts the research of linguistic means and rhetorical techniques applied in implementing the strategy of delegitimizing Russia and legitimizing the USA in the addresses of the U. S. ambassadors to the UN Samantha Power and David Pressman, dedicated to the topic of the 2015–2016 military conflict in Syria.

Metonymic Transposition as a Means of Forming Semantic Neologisms in the French Language of Canada (on the Example of Nautical Terminology)

The article deals with determinologization of nautical lexis in the Canadian French. This process results in the replenishment of the active vocabulary of the lexis due to the fact that semantic neologisms appear. Their coming into existence is facilitated by intra-linguistic reasons, in particular, metonymic transposition has proved the most productive.

Pragmatic Elements in the Structure of Associative Fields (a Case Study of Polysemous Words Denoting Short Periods of Time)

The article deals with the associative fields of polysemous stimuli words related to the lexicosemantic group denoting short periods of time. The author attempts to elicit such elements in the associative field structure which point at pragmatic peculiarities of the meanings obtained as a result of metonymic transposition (a time interval → an event filling it).

Vocabulary of Arabic Origin Meaning ‘Clothing, Headdresses’ and Its Functions in Spoken Russian

The article deals with the lexis of Arabic origin and its functioning in the Russian language. The ideographic approach to the research has been used: the author focuses on the lexical and thematic group ‘Clothing and household goods’, subgroup ‘Clothing, headdresses’. The following words have been researched: burnus, jelloba, jellabiia, ihram, paranja, savan (shroud), safari, sultan, khalat (dressing gown).

Issues of Key Words in Philology

The article deals with an up-to-date theme of key words issues in linguistics; the paper presents a brief overview and a comparative analysis of the scientific literature on this issue. The aim of the article is to state the problem of identifying key words in philology.

The Peculiarities of the Realization of Polysubjectness in Sentences with Adverbial Complicators

The article is dedicated to the examination of how the peculiarities of polysubjectness are realized in sentences with adverbial complicators. The author analyzes dictum and modus of the sentences and on this basis describes some models of polysubjectness realization.

Structural Peculiarities of IT Terms Containing Proper Nouns (based on English Terminological Dictionaries)

Some theoretical aspects of eponyms’ usage in terminology are studied
in the article. The authors provide a classification of various patterns
which model the formation of the composite IT terminological

Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Social Advertising (a Case Study of the German Media)

The paper describes the most common linguistic and stylistic devices (precedent phenomena, pun, metaphor, syntactical expressive means, etc.) used in German social advertising. These devices have a great potential to make the advertising communication more expressive and effective.

The Integration of ‘Platitudes’ into the Composition Structure of the Literary Criticism Texts of the Turn of XIX–XX centuries

The article describes the reasons and the technique of integrating irrational expressive structures – ‘platitudes’ – into the composition of the literary criticism texts of the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. The points are identified which illustrate the general tendency of using ‘platitudes’ as some irrelevant text fragments; their pragmatic purpose, stylistic, emotional and expressive actualization are described.
