Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The Model of the Situation ‘A Queer Act’ (in the Russian Language)

The article presents the results of the frame analysis of the situations of such acts as ‘eccentricity’, ‘prank’, ‘folly’. The research is based on the idea according to which the conceptualization of acts is linked with the invariable frame, which is a structure built by the following elements: an aim, action, subject, object, valuation, result. The paper shows the names of the acts representing this invariable frame model of an act.

The Features of Substantive Polysemy of Regionalisms of the French Language in France

The article reviews the features of polysemic nouns in the French language in France. A detailed classification of metaphoric and metonymic models of polysemic substantive regionalisms is given.

The Semantics of the Elements of the Arabic Phraseological Field ‘Nutrition’ in the Conceptual Aspect

The article presents the semantic differentiation of the Arabic idioms with the words from the semantic field ‘nutrition’; the degree of phraseological units activity in the replenishment of different semantic spheres and fields is identified; the basic models of idiomatization are singled out as well as the role of conceptual, cultural and historical factors in this process.

The Problems of Word Family of International Terms (on the Material of the Linguistic Terminology of Ancient Greek Origin in the Russian Language)

The author carries out a word family classification of linguistic terms of the Greek origin. The correlation of the lexis of natural and artificial origins in the term pool is described, as well as the place of each of them in the structure of the word family. The classification of the root word families on the basis of the structural peculiarities is suggested.

Semantic Repetitions in Fairy-tale Texts from A. N. Afanasyev’s Collection

The article deals with the description of the types and functions of semantic repetitions in the texts of the Russian folk fairy-tales collected by A. N. Afanasyev. The author comes to the conclusion that semantic repetitions in fairy-tales are not simply an expressive means, they promote the expansion of meaning and serve to form a child’s cognitive abilities.

Communicative Structure of Georgy Ivanov’s Lyric Poetry in Terms of Idiostyle Evolution

The article considers communicative models of G. Ivanov’s lyric poetry and their transition from St. Petersburg period of work to that of the exile. An assumption is put forward that the change of the poems’ communicative structure can serve as one of the indicators of the individual style evolution.

Word-Concept ‘Case’ in the Russian Interdiscourse

The article offers the analysis of the word ‘case’ denoting one of the key concepts of the legal speech. Its being used in different types of discourses allows to reveal the action of the integrative processes in the concept sphere of culture. The concept undergoes the transformation of meaning, the consistency of which can be represented in terms of substantiation and studying the notions of ‘professional discourse’ and ‘interdiscourse’.

The Place of Metaphor in the Representation of Concepts (Based on the Concept of ‘Neighbor’)

The article identifies the main characteristics of the concept ‘neighbor’ as a part of the opposition ‘own’ – ‘alien’ and the extent of their reflection in the basic metaphorical models of the lexeme ‘neighbor’ and its word-formation derivatives.

Communicative and Discursive Characteristics of Analytical Blogs Dedicated to Scottish Independence

The article reviews the main communicative and discursive characteristics of the texts published in political blogs by the supporters of Scottish independence; the author reveals the degree of how these characteristics impact the lexical and semantic features of the texts under analysis.

Revealing the Content of English Family Names in a Linguocultural Dictionary

The present article reports on the lexicographical description of culturally significant English family names being a part of English speakers’ background knowledge. The given structuring of a dictionary entry allows to reveal the content of such names including, in the broad sense, a set of cultural, historical, social, ethnic and other connotations.
