Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Fictional and Factual Narrative in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya

The article studies genre strategy in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya. The genre of the novel enables the author along with the third-person narrative to apply stylization of different forms of everyday life narration and records, to introduce the writer’s letters into fiction. Blurring the boundaries between fictional and factual principles in her work, L. Ulitskaya expands the range of reader’s interpretations.

Literary Life of 1920–1922 on the Pages of the Newspaper Izvestiya VZIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee News)

In the article literary life of the Soviet Russia of the years 1920-1922 is analyzed as it was reflected in the newspaper Izvestiya VZIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee). The main components of this life are investigated, literary soirees, formation of new literary organizations and institutions, literary competitions, and writers’ names among them.

The Image of a Saint in Evelyn Waugh’s Helena

The article offers an analysis of the main character in Evelyn Waugh’s novel Helena as a representation of one of the key ideas for Catholic Waugh – the idea of a personal calling.

Fairy Archetypes in Gogol’s Novel «The Overcoat»

В статье с точки зрения дифференцирующей функции границы анализируются сказочные архетипы в повести Гоголя «Шинель». Предпринята попытка сопоставления персонажей и сюжетов сказок и «Шинели» на основе проведения между ними границы.

«A Part of Speech». To the Question of the Author Translation

In the article the comparative analysis of the original Russian po‑ ems from the cycle «A Part of Speech» by Joseph Brodsky and their author translations is given. The aim of the analysis is to reveal those principles which J. Brodsky used at the early stage of his author translations.

Ye. P. Lyutsenko Epic Experiments: To the Problem of the Pre-Romantic Historicism

Such epic experiments of Ye. P. Lyutsenko as «Cheslav», «Burivoy and Ylmila» are analyzed in the article; their sources are established, they are «The Russian Primary Chronicle», «Joachim’s Chronicle»; the peculiarity of the pre-Romantic historicism is revealed.


The article reveals a meaningful picture of the perception of the image of Germany, German culture and literature in the pages of the journal "Libra" 1904-1909, which was a real "academy of Russian symbolism."


The study of family nominations is an integral part of a different-aspect study of family communication and speech. In the article anthropocentric foreshortening examines the nominations of food and food, reveals the general and specific features of the lexicon of different families.

Liturgical Formulas in the Titles of Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Poems

The article deals with the symbolist strategy of naming Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poetic texts. The analysis of his poems with the titles including liturgical formulas confirms the deliberateness of the liturgical discourse created by the author to solve religious and aesthetic problems.


On the Contradictions of the Term ‘Method of Dialectic Materialism’ in the History of Literary Criticism

The contradictions of the term ‘method of dialectic materialism’ are shown. The information about the most important discussions in the sphere of the method of literary criticism is provided.
