Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Artistic Evolution of Pilnyak’s Prose of the 1930s

The article is dedicated to a problem of artistic evolution of Pilnyak’s poetics analyzed on the example of his later works. The main development pattern of the writer’s work is singled out; the author’s idea changing from the short broken forms of narrative to more complicated genre formation is traced in details. In spite of the repentance and the betrayal of his positions, Pilnyak’s faithfulness to himself and his adherence to the artistic principles are emphasized. 

Genre and Style Peculiarities of I. G. Ehrenburg’s Cycle Six Novels with Easy Endings

The article presents the characterization of one of the least researched texts from the body of I. G. Ehrenburg’s prose texts – Six novels with Easy Endings. The features of this work are analyzed in connection with the context of the literary controversy of the 1920s, which predetermined the author’s creative endeavors.

The Аesthetic Concept of Play as the Paradigm of Modernist and Postmodernist Literature

The article is dedicated to the issues of the play poetics as philosophical, ontological, and aesthetic paradigm of the main movements of the modern literature. The main criteria of the play are analyzed in the theoretical research and literary works of the modernist and postmodernist writers.

Traditions of Slovak Religious Poetry and Catholic Moderna Movement

The article deals with the development of Slovak spiritual poetry as an independent genre that has undergone a complex literary transformation: the first cantionals are created via the Gregorian choral, later they are elaborated into lyric song-prayers, driving the formation of a poetic religious movement Slovak Catholic Moderna in the XXth century.

National Poetry of the Turn of XIX–XXth in the Evaluation by V. F. Savodnik

The article presents the point of view of V. F. Savodnik – a leading literary reviewer of Russkiy vestnik (Russian Bulletin) in 1900-1901s – on the issue of the development of contemporary national poetry; it is explained why the reviewer’s opinions were unconventional for the members of the journal writers.

Planetary Risks in Cli-fi (Ian McEwan’s «Solar», Magnus Macintyre’s «Whirligig»)

Two recent British comic novels are analyzed in the aspect of the authors’ treatment of the topic of climate change. Their representation of ecological and climate issues is shown to cover a wide range of existing attitudes. Special attention is given to how scientific matters are incorporated in the comic novel.

Labour Camp Theme for A. Solzhenitsyn and M. Prishvin

In the article the author considers Gulag theme on the material of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s short story «One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich» and the novel by M. M. Prishvin «Tsar’s Road». The main characters of both writers remain free people despite their imprisonment. Common people, bearers of public morals, kept their souls pure through hardships, they are patient and hard-working, they abstain from evil, remain internally free in the atmosphere of the absence of freedom, preserving their name and their motherland

J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood as an Experiment in Autobiography

The article deals with J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood, focusing on the author’s experiments with the autobiography in the context of traditional genre conventions. Boyhood, the first part of Coetzee’s autobiographical trilogy, is analyzed as a deconstruction of the childhood autobiography (the absence of autobiographical agreement, third-person present tense narrative, a combination of multiple points of view: those of a child-protagonist and an adult author).

Derzhavin before Derzhavin by Viktor Sosnora: the Potential the Genre and Composition Meaning

The article is dedicated to the poetics of a historic work by V. Sosnora Derzhavin before Derzhavin. The main focus is on the potential of the genre foundation (a cycle of essays) and composition meaning. Those are viewed as ways of creating a subjective author’s image of a historic figure – a poet and a statesman.

Fictional and Factual Narrative in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya

The article studies genre strategy in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya. The genre of the novel enables the author along with the third-person narrative to apply stylization of different forms of everyday life narration and records, to introduce the writer’s letters into fiction. Blurring the boundaries between fictional and factual principles in her work, L. Ulitskaya expands the range of reader’s interpretations.
