Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Folk and Literary Song Lyric In Publications and Studies by Saratov University Folklore Researchers (1940–2010)

The article characterizes the state of the leading sphere of the Russian folklore – folk and literary lyric poetry – in the publications and studies of the folklore researchers of Saratov State University in 1940–2010. The contribution into the sphere by the outstanding folklore specialist T. M. Akimova, whose 115th a nniversary i s c elebrated in 2014, as well as the input of professor V. K. Arkhangelskaya are given a more in-depth consideration.

Writers About a Writer: Personality of Varlam Shalamov in the Works of Modern Authors

The article analyzes two works of the Russian literature – a short story by Irina Polyanskaya «A Quiet Room» and a short novel by Evgeny Fyodorov «Fried Rooster», which are related to the concept of V. T. Shalamov’s personality to a different degree of precision and depth.

Literary Word in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Opinion-based Journalism

Based on his own recollections and on documented sources the author reconstructs the history of how A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s short novel «One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich» was perceived by the members of Saratov University literary club of the first half of the 1960s, under the supervision of a wonderful philologist T. I. Usakina, Assistant Professor of the Chair of the Russian literature of Saratov State University.

Specific Character of Variation of I. I. Kozlov’s Romance Insane in its Folklore Form

The article is dedicated to the identification of the specific character of variation of I. I. Kozlov’s romance Insane in its folklore form. The analysis was made mainly on the basis of archival materials.

Pushkin and Derzhavin Myth in A. Gorodnizky’s Poetic World (Motif of Lyre Transferring)

The article deals with the transformation of Pushkin and Derzhavin myth in two poems by A. M. Gorodnizky; an attempt is made to explain the author’s individual interpretation of the myth (controversial to that established in the mass cultural consciousness) by means of analyzing the autobiographical and autopsychological components of the works under investigation. It is also undertaken to enter those poems in the wider context of the bard’s reflections on the Russian history problems, presented in poetic and memoir texts.

Category of Genre in Contemporary Literary Studies

The article considers well-established approaches to genre as a category of literary studies; alternative approaches to its understanding are revealed, methodological principles of genre identity of historic and philosophy of history novels are defined.

Waiting for Game. To the Question of the XIXth Century Russian Drama Poetics

The article studies the motif of waiting for game situation that often occurs in the story-line of the XIXth century Russian comedies, gives ground for its essential importance for the plot-building and creating the characters of the plays, points to the connection of this intertextual situation with the reality of the Russian society, its social, moral and psychological climate.

«It’s a Family Affair – we’ll Settle it Ourselves» Ostrovsky and «Tartyuf or the Deceiver» Moliere: Dramatic Nature of Action, Characters

In the given article the genre comparative typological analysis of the two satirical masterpieces – the French and Russian classical literature, is carried out. Similarities and distinctions on the basis of the analysis of dynamics of the plot and character logical lines according to Classicism (Moliere) and Realism poetics (Ostrovsky) come to light.

Mythologizing of E. A. Boratynsky’s Personality in Russian Literary Criticism of the ХХth Century

Based on the material of biographical studies about E. A. Boratynsky in the literary criticism of the ХХth century the researcher examines the process of the poet’s personality mythologizing, the problem of formation and development of the myth about Boratynsky; the most common characteristics of the emerging biographical myth of the poet are identified.

N.V. Gogol’s Novel «The Overcoat» in the English-language Perception: the Issue of the Literary Work Translation Equivalence

Six English-language translations of N.V. Gogol’s novel «The Overcoat» are analyzed in the article; special emphasis is placed on the lexical, syntactic and stylistics text characteristics, on the presence of the colloquialisms, historical vocabulary, idioms, puns, and author’s neologisms; the approaches of both Russian and English-speaking researchers to the concept of «translation equivalence», its essence and qualities are defined.
