Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism


The article first collected and systematized organically included in the artistic fabric of the Rolland dramatic epic antique images and comparisons that contributed to the reconstruction of the features of the historical color of the image of the French Revolution of 1789.


The article gives an overview of six books of British critics (George Watson, JD Taylor, Andrzej Gashiorek, Patricia Vaugh, Malcolm Bradbury, Alan Sinfield) published in the 1990s. and reflecting, each in its own way, the direction of postwar British literature. The approaches used by critics are divided into two categories: traditional academic literary studies and cultural studies; the article proposes a methodological evaluation of each category.

The Anatomy of the ‘Soviet’ in the Literary Process of the Turn of the XX–XXIst Century: A. I. Solzhenitsyn and V. P. Aksyonov (Part I)

The first part of the article deals with the definition and substantiation of the literary criticism task itself –a parallel analysis of the works of two significant writers in the Russian literary process. Another object is to identify the major perspectives of the philological examination in progress. The subject of this research is the texts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn and V. P. Aksyonov, written and published at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries.

Theatre of the Book. Visual Appeal in the Russian Book Culture of the End of the XVIIth – the First Third of the XVIIIth Century

The article considers the topic of visualizing theatre elements in the texts of the first Russian plays of the end of the XVIIth and the beginning of the XVIIIth century in its relation to the West-European and Russian book printing culture.

The City and the Visionaries in the Works by P. Ackroyd

This article explores the image of London in the works of London artist-visionaries – the subjects of Peter Ackroyd’s biographies. The goal is to trace the evolution of the city image in the course of the English literature development from XIV th to XXth centuries.

Scientific Biography of a Writer as a Type of Literary Study (Article Two)

The article contains the description of yet not thoroughly studied specific signs of a scientific
biography of a writer, its internal methodology, its source-based capacities, and basic principles of its structure.

«Righteous Word» of Boris Shergin

In the article the authors analyze specific features of the diary style of B. V. Shergin, who managed to preserve the seamless synthesis of live folk, literary and Church Slavic languages that allows to identify the true ‘inner form’ of the Russian self-recognition embedded in the word.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn at Saratov University: the 1960s

Based on his own recollections and on documented sources the author reconstructs the history of how A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s short novel «One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich» was perceived by the members of Saratov University literary club of the first half of the 1960s, under the supervision of a wonderful philologist T. I. Usakina, Assistant Professor of the Chair of the Russian literature of Saratov State University.

V. Pelevin’s Utopian Novel «S.N.U.F.F.»: the Problem of Genre and the Idea of History

The article investigates the genre of V. Pelevin’s novel «S.N.U.F.F.». The main criteria for determining it are the author’s idea of history and his view of the future, which are analyzed on the basis of the text of the book аnd critical reviews.

Mechanisms of Memory in «Nothing to be Frightened of» by Julian Barnes

The article studies the autobiographical book by Julian Barnes, the contemporary English postmodernist writer, where his personal memories illustrate the illusive nature of memory and its limits, revealing such mechanisms of memory as subjective interpretation, forgetting and imagining.
