Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Women’s Images in the Prose of Arthur Schnitzler: the Concept of Dilettantism in Art

The article considers short stories by an Austrian author of the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, Arthur Schnitzler. The importance of the dilettantism concept for the author is revealed; the images of women in art are analyzed, who are shown in Schnitzler’s prose only as dilettantes, play-acting both on stage and in life.

The Semantics of the Blood Motif in B. Okudzhava’s Novel «A Date with Bonaparte»

In the article the main semantic components of the blood motif are revealed in the novel «A Date with Bonaparte» by B. Okudzhava; the peculiarity of the lyrical and philosophical narrative of B. Okudzhava is researched.


The article offers a history of the publication of translations of M. Jursenar's works into Russian since 1984 and systematizes the assessments and approaches to the work of the French writer, which have been developing in parallel in domestic criticism.


A System of Chronotopes in Mikhail Shishkin’s Novel Pismovnik (Letter Book): on the Issue of Artistic Unity

The article researches the interaction of different space and time layers in Mikhail Shishkin’s novel Pismovnik (Letter Book) (2010). This interaction is characteristic for the writer’s prose. The author of the article distinguishes key chronotopes and chronotopical principles providing the unity of the artistic world of the novel.

Lidia Charskaya as a Writer for Adults

For the first time the article addresses little-known works of the popular children’s writer of the early ХХ century Lidia Charskaya, that are intended for the audience of adults. It is indicated that the writer used the same methods in her compositions regardless of the readers’ age. Nevertheless, she turned out to be a mediocre author for mature readers.

Yury Buida’s novel «Thief, Spy, and Murderer»: Between an Autobiography and Fiction

The article addresses the peculiarities of Yu. Buida’s autobiographical novel «Thief, Spy, and Murderer». The author arrives at the conclusion that the genre of this novel synthesizes the features of an autobiography, memoirs, artistic commentaries, thus becoming a kind of an artistic prism through which the main regularities of Buida’s artistic world are refracted.

Southern Estate in W. Faulkner’s novels

In the article Faulkner’s interpretation of the Southern estate features is analyzed in novels «The Sound and the Fury» and «Absalom, Absalom!» in the context of the literary tradition of the South. The oppositions «mansion – forest», «forest – garden», «mansion – stable», «dining room – kitchen» are characterized as a part of the basic opposition of «natural – cultural».

German Theme in N. V. Gogol’s Cycle «Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka»

The article deals with different instances of Germany being mentioned in Gogol’s cycle «Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka», as well as the issue of the author’s understanding of the word «German» while working on his stories, and some parallels with the works of other writers.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn and the Issue of the Unity of Russian Spiritual Culture

In the article the author regards the personality and oeuvre of A. I. Solzhenitsyn («Gulag Archipelago», «Red Wheel», «Russia in Collapse») from the perspective of the unity of Russian spiritual culture in relation to two political philosophies: conservatism and radicalism. Ideas of the Russian religious philosophy expounded in the works by S. L. Frank underlie the theoretical foundation of the paper. A special role is dedicated to the polemic judgments of the writer.

Motives of Harmony and Discord in Russian Proverbs and Sayings

In the article the proverbs and sayings applying to the categories of harmony and discord are analyzed. The basic semantic focuses related to these categories are singled out. The collection Proverbs of the Russian People by V. I. Dal has served as the main source of proverbs and sayings.
