Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Mythologemes «Fate» and «Road» in the Novel «The Idiot» by F. M. Dostoevsky

In «The Idiot» by F. M. Dostoevsky we encounter a special genre of an ordeal novel: the hero enters the portrayed world with the mission of salvation. In this article the theme of fate appears of interest for the interpretation, which, being an intermediate concept, has connotations associated with death, chance, freedom, with the theme of the road.

Esenin’s Book of Poems «Moskva Kabatskaya» (Tavern Moscow) in the Perception of his Contemporaries

The article treats the literary critics’ works of 1923–1925 concerning the perception of Sergei Esenin’s book of poems «Moskva Kabatskaya» (Tavern Moscow). The book in question provoked different interpretations and numerous contradictory responses of critics of diverse aesthetic beliefs belonging to various literary groups.

The Topic of Death in the Short Novel by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «Cancer Ward»

In the article the author regards different aspects of death perception artistically reconsidered by A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the short novel «Cancer Ward»; the spiritual vector of the novel is defined.

Historiosophic Discourse: the Scope of the Notion (to the Question of the Historiosophy Novel Genre)

The article puts forward a problem of the genre classification of the works containing philosophical and historical issues; qualitative characteristics of the historiosophic discourse are regarded; its boundaries are defined within philosophic and historic learning; axiological criteria of the historiosophic novel qualification are developed.

Contemporary Approaches to the Research of the Problem of Petersburg’s Text of the Russian Literature

In the article an attempt is made to describe the range of contemporary studies dedicated to the problem of Petersburg’s text of the Russian literature; directions are outlined alongside which the study of Petersburg’s text was developing after the fundamental researches on the semiotics of the city by V. Toporov and Yu. Lotman were published.

The Image of an Enemy in Humorous Rhymes Dedicated to WWII (Based on Tver Region Archives)

In the article the image of an enemy in humorous rhymes dedicated to WWII is analyzed. The central theme is the image of Adolf Hitler. In the conclusions the enemy image is shown as an archaic one. The sphere of humorous rhymes existence is shown. The article is based on the archive materials from the expeditions to Tver region.

The Author’s Preface to the Lifetime Complete Works of D. S. Merezhkovsky

In the article on D.S. Merezhkovsky’s example the question on the nature and appointment of author’s prefaces to lifetime complete works of Russian writers is brought up. The author comes to a conclusion about genre similarity of the considered preface of D. S. Merezhkovsky to a confession and sermon.

«Foolish for Myth’s Sake»: to the Problem of Personal and Creative Strategy of V. V. Rozanov

In the article the concept of «foolishness for Christ’s sake» is analyzed in the light of socio-cultural tendencies of the beginning of the XXth century. The legitimacy of regarding V. V. Rozanov as one the «foolish» of his time is established. The fact is that Rozanov’s «foolishness» was defined by a behavioural stereotype of the beginning of the XXth century culture according to which he «was creating» a personal myth.

Time and Thing (on the Material of the Poetry by S. Surganova)

In this article the approaches to the research of the poetic and song heritage of S. Surganova are outlined; the author’s ideas of time and space are analyzed.

The Problem of National and Other‑National in Modernism and Avant-garde

On the example of the literary activity of the Futurists, Imagists, Zaumniks the peculiarities of modernist and avant-garde solution to the problem of the national are investigated
