Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Fairy Archetypes in Gogol’s Novel «The Overcoat»

В статье с точки зрения дифференцирующей функции границы анализируются сказочные архетипы в повести Гоголя «Шинель». Предпринята попытка сопоставления персонажей и сюжетов сказок и «Шинели» на основе проведения между ними границы.

The Routine of a Shopaholic’s Life

Sophie Kinsella’s «Confessions of a Shopaholic» (2000) is looked into as a genre model of «chic-lit», and the main character is analyzed as a psychological and sociological study of the phenomenon of shopo‑ holism.

«Griboedov’s Text» of M.A. Bulgakov

In the article the contours of “Griboedov’s text” are outlined as a range of quotations and reminiscences from “Woe to Wit”; their literary and sense correlations as well as characteristic functioning in M.A. Bulgakov’s works are also touched upon.


The article attempts to consider how the Russian philosophical lyrics, copiously quoted in the pages of the newly-found diary of S.L. Frank, reflects the "history of the soul" of the young philosopher, reveals the innermost depths of the "spiritual life" of his author.

On the Contradictions of the Term ‘Method of Dialectic Materialism’ in the History of Literary Criticism

The contradictions of the term ‘method of dialectic materialism’ are shown. The information about the most important discussions in the sphere of the method of literary criticism is provided.

Peculiarities of Z. Thagazitov’s Colors in the Context of Color Preferences in Kabardian Poetry

The article describes an attempt to study the peculiarities of color in the work of the Kabardian poet Zuber Thagazitov for the first time. The author reveals the national specific features of color symbolism and the interdependence of historic and artistic reflection of the national reality in the context of the «greater time».

Shipovnik (Rose Tree) Almanac: an Integrating Context (on the Material of the Third Book, 1908)

The article reveals external and internal factors contributing to the formation of an integrating context of the third book of Shipovnik Publishing House Literary-Artistic Almanac (1908): the design of the book and composition are being examined, the motives of the almanac’s texts are analyzed.

A Young Footman in A. P. Chekhov’s Comedy «The Cherry Orchard»

A viewpoint is presented that Chekhov’s comedy may be considered as a polyphonic (in the musicological understanding of the term) reunion of melodic voices of different characters with whom the voice (self-awareness, behavior, squeamish and sneering attitude to other people) of the young footman Yasha is conspicuously and ominously discordant.

Satiric Problem Range and the Poetics of the Play «A Million Pangs» by V. Katayev

The article researches the problems and the poetics of the play by V. Katayev «A Million Pangs»: devices of creating satirical images are regarded; the problem of a literary dialogue of the author with his contemporaries (M. Bulgakov, N. Erdman, I. Ilf and E. Petrov) is revealed; the peculiarity of Katayev’s satire on pre-revolutionary intelligentsia is identified.

A Short Story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The New Generation»: From the Past to the Present

The article analyzes the ideas in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s short story «The New Generation», the peculiarities of the conflict of tradition and innovation in post-revolutionary Russia (1920–1930s) and its relevance for modern Russia.
