Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Русский язык

Hedging in written academic discourse as manifestation of its dialogue nature (based on dissertation reviews)

The article presents the analysis of the dialogue nature of written academic communication based on Russian evaluative academic discourse. The texts of 70 official dissertation reviews in humanities and sciences, published on the sites of dissertation councils of Russian universities in 2020–2024, were used as an empiric base for the research. The research aims to identify the role of hedge markers – specific discourse units used to mitigate the claims of the author – in manifestation of the dialogue character of the dissertation review as a speech genre.

Структура и семантика композитов с цветовым компонентом в русском языке

Цель статьи – рассмотреть структурно-семантические модели сложных слов русского языка с компонентом, обозначающим цвет, выявить языковую специфику моделей. Русские сложные слова анализируются как в типологическом плане, учитывающем характер связи между компонентами сложного слова, так и в словообразовательном отношении. Для различения структурно омонимичных моделей используются семантические критерии.
Распространенным приемом создания цветовых композитов является редупликация, передающая в разговорной речи экспрессивную интенсификацию цветового признака.

Структура и семантика композитов с цветовым компонентом в русском языке

Цель статьи – рассмотреть структурно-семантические модели сложных слов русского языка с компонентом, обозначающим цвет, выявить языковую специфику моделей. Русские сложные слова анализируются как в типологическом плане, учитывающем характер связи между компонентами сложного слова, так и в словообразовательном отношении. Для различения структурно омонимичных моделей используются семантические критерии.
Распространенным приемом создания цветовых композитов является редупликация, передающая в разговорной речи экспрессивную интенсификацию цветового признака.

Communication of Friends Within the Paradigm of Everyday Communication

The article deals with the research of friendly communications, which is compared to other varieties of everyday communication: communication of family members, relatives, acquaintances and strangers.

Role of Slang Metaphoric Nominations in Internet Communication

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the metaphoric subsystem of Web slang. Major lexical groups, used as the source of figurative slang meanings formation, are determined; they are juxtaposed with general language tendencies; the system of the metaphor sources as a reflection of the idiosyncratic world picture of the users of this idiom has been viewed.

Scientific ideas of Olga B. Sirotinina and Saratov linguistic school of researching real communication units. On the occasion of the centenary of birth of the scientist and teacher

The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Russian linguist, professor of Saratov State University Olga B. Sirotinina (born in 1923). The article presents and analyzes a number of scientific ideas of the scholar: the necessity to work out new approaches to syntactic units; the interaction of primary (factual) and secondary (organizational) levels of communication; attention of the author to the addressee as a leading principle of linguistic ecology; semantic diffusion as a dynamic process in the Russian discourse.

Phrasеologically Bound Sentences Such As ‘If we are going, let us go’ in the Russian Language

Upon analyzing Russian phraseologically bound sentences such as ‘if we are going, let us go’ from various aspects, their linguistic essence has been described and their semantic structures have been characterized. All the above have allowed to approach the task of creating a general typology of these units.

Typology of Nominative Phraseologically Bound Sentences in the Russian Language

Upon analyzing Russian nominative phraseologically bound sentences from various aspects, their linguistic essence has been destribed; their structural and grammatical types have been defined; their semantic structures have been characterized. All the above have given an opportunity to approach the task of creating a general typology of these units.

Presentation of the Book

The article is dedicated to the book:
Сиротинина О. Б. Русский язык : система, узус и создаваемые ими риски. Саратов : Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2013. 116 с.

Syncretism of Discursive Words

In the article, dedicated to the research of the syncretism of discursive words (discursives) of the Russian scientific speech, alongside the two main types of discursive words – regulators and organizers – syncretic types, combining different types of information – discursive and regulatory, factual, pragmatic and grammatical, discursive and regulatory – are singled out.
