Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Русский язык


In the article on the material of the genre "Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly", a comparative study of the specifics of the use of auxiliary communicative units in Russian and American political discourse is conducted, common and specific features are revealed in their use in the speech of political leaders.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the metaphorical subsystem of network slang, in particular, the basic groups of vocabulary used as a source of the formation of portable slang values are established; their comparison with general linguistic tendencies is given; the system of sources of metaphorization is considered as a reflection of the original picture of the world of the carriers of this idiom.

Methods of Learning Foreign Language Lexis (A Case Study of Arabic Borrowings)

The article presents a technique that promotes multidimensional research of borrowings. It includes lexicographical, etymological, and semantic analysis of words; identification of their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, features of adaptation in the host language and use in its different functional varieties, frequency of use; the role of borrowings in the lexical system of the Russian language. The research is based on the study of the lexis of Arabic origin.

Latin Heritage in Russian Morphemics: Adjectives with Final -alny

The material of the study presents adjectives of Latin origin with final-alny in modern Russian. This final is a morphemic complex. This can be interpreted in three ways, depending on the word-formation relations of specific adjectives. It may be a single suffix; a suffix with a submorph -n-; a suffix -n- attached to the root in -al-.

Lexis of a foreign language origin: Arabisms with the meaning of ‘Jewelry and occult objects’

In the article six lexemes of the thematic group ‘Clothes and household items’, the subgroup ‘Jewelry and occult objects’: diamond, fringe, beads, sultan, amulet, and mascot are considered according to the methodology proposed earlier by the authors, including the lexicographic, etymological and semantic aspects of the study of Arabisms, analysis of their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, adaptation processes in the receiving language and use in its functional styles.

Vocabulary of secondary dialects of the Middle Volga Region in statics and dynamics

The article deals with the dialectal vocabulary of Russian dialects on the territory of the Middle Volga region. The author relies on new materials collected in the regional atlas and dictionary. The article provides the facts that the sources reflect the uneven development of dialect lexical systems, in which, on the one hand, under the influence of standardization and inter-dialectal contact, new words appear and, on the other hand, archaisms are preserved.

P. A. Stolypin’s rhetorical skill

The article presents a rhetorical analysis of published speeches of P. A. Stolypin, an outstanding statesman of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century, which were presented in the State Duma and the State Council in 1906–1911.

Everyday family-related communication: A new reality, the dynamics of linguistic and cultural processes

The article examines the changes that have occurred in family-related communication. The research is based on family speech handwritten notes and transcripts of voice records made by the author and the students of her special seminar, correspondence of family members and relatives in various messengers, as well as on the speech material presented in articles and books published by various researchers.

Speech preferences of modern children: The infl uence of the Internet, foreign languages and cultures

The article analyzes the modern speech of children aged from 2-3 to 14 years and examines how other languages and cultures infl uence it. The research material comprises handwritten and transcribed audio and video recordings of children’s colloquial speech, correspondence of children in the Viber messenger. The material was collected during 2016–2022, its total volume amounts to about 22,000 instances of word usage. The methods used are those of included observation and discursive analysis.

Everyday business communication: A commercial chat, its specifi c features and role in organizing the life of citizens

The article deals with the study of everyday virtual business communication. The digital age has a huge impact on individuals, signifi cantly changing their lives, and the life of society is increasingly immersed in the virtual space. The material of the study is Internet communication, specifi cally group communication of citizens, residents of Saratov, in one of the commercial chats: the speech of women’s clothing sellers and buyers. The purpose of the study is to show the development of the chat genre and its functioning in business communication.
