Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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811.161.1' 27

Everyday family-related communication: A new reality, the dynamics of linguistic and cultural processes

Baikulova Alla Nikolayevna, Saratov State University

The article examines the changes that have occurred in family-related communication. The research is based on family speech handwritten notes and transcripts of voice records made by the author and the students of her special seminar, correspondence of family members and relatives in various messengers, as well as on the speech material presented in articles and books published by various researchers. The purpose of the study is to show how changes in everyday life, caused by new realities of the domestic sphere, various events in the country and the world, the development of information technology, aff ect family-related communication and speech, and by and large, the very existence of the family. Changes in the domestic sphere – the emergence of new social objects, new household cleaning supplies, development of fashion industry and everything that is, in one way or another, connected with the daily routine of a person – lead to expanding and updating the lexical fi eld of familyrelated communication. There is high penetration of new lexical units, primarily borrowings from other languages, into family speech, including the speech of children. The research has shown that such an active and rapid borrowing process can give rise to misunderstanding between diff erent generations in the family. The focus of the study is on the development of mediated communication in everyday life. Both positive and negative factors of information technologies infl uence are noted. Mediatization of the population, the use of cellular phones aff ect the nature of family communication, etiquette, and cultural norms and absorb free time. The line between work and home communication is blurred, which has a devastating eff ect on the life of the family as one of the most important institutions of society, designed to ensure the stability of its existence.


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