Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Degaltseva Anna Vladimirovna

Degaltseva Anna Vladimirovna's picture
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Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank: 
профессор кафедры русского языка речевой коммуникации и русского как иностранного

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Degaltseva A. V., Sirotinina O. B. The problems of ecology of modern scientifi c speech
Degaltseva A. V., Sirotinina O. B. On the problem of changing the norms of the modern Russian language
Degaltseva A. V. Functioning of the Qualifying Adverbs as a Part of a Predicate with the Synsemantic Verb in Speech
Degaltseva A. V. To the Question of the Possibility of Determinative Adverbs to Act as Actants of a Proposition
Degaltseva A. V. The Peculiarities of the Functioning of the Model Inf-Adv-o Sentences in Modern Business Communication
Degaltseva A. V. The Adverbial Complicators as Modifiers of a Sentence
Degaltseva A. V. Adverbial Constructions in the Aspect of Communicative Sentence Structure
Degaltseva A. V. Some Difficulties Associated with the Usage of Adverbs in Modern Press
Degaltseva A. V. The Peculiarities of the Realization of Polysubjectness in Sentences with Adverbial Complicators
Degaltseva A. V. The Dependence of the Adverbial Complicators Functions on the Meaning of the Base Proposition Predicate
Degaltseva A. V. The Peculiarities of Modality Realization in Utterances with Adverbial Complicators
Degaltseva A. V. Peculiarities of the Transformation of Sentences
Degaltseva A. V. The Realization of the Conditionality Semantics in Sentences
Degaltseva A. V. Some Peculiarities of Structure, Semantics and Functioning of Adverbial Complicators in Business Language
Degaltseva A. V. Semantic Classes of Verbal Predicators in Sentences with Adverbial Complicators
Degaltseva A. V. Peculiarities of Subject Expression in Sentences with Adverbial Complicators in Different Communication Spheres (on the material of the modern fiction, press and colloquial speech)
Degaltseva A. V. Adverbial Characteristic Means of Expression in Different Fields of Communication
Kormilitsyna M. A., Degaltseva A. V. Integration of information as a factor of generating semantically complicated sentences in colloquial speech
Baikulova A. N., Degaltseva A. V. Science as a vocation. On the occation of the 85th anniversary of birth of Professor M. A. Kormilitsyna
Baikulova A. N., Degaltseva A. V. “Modern speech communication in different spheres of society”: Results of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor O. B. Sirotinina
Degaltseva A. V., Sirotinina O. B. The attitude of native speakers of the Russian language to its norms: The dynamic aspect