Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Ways of compensation for nonverbal communication in SMS

Communication, generally, features not just a system in which the interaction takes place, but also a process, ways of communication, which enable creation, transmission and reception of various information.

Legal standards as a basis of religious interaction (On the example of the Book of Leviticus)

The present work is related to such studies, the subject of which is the interaction of various institutional types of discourses. This article will focus on the biblical discourse, which, compared with the legal discourse, is considered by the author as a special type of interaction of believers based on legal norms. A special study of this issue is of undoubted scientific interest, because addressing this problem is important not only for the study of biblical discourse, which, unfortunately, is currently understudied.
