Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Взаимодействия субъектов в медиасреде

Проанализированы изменения, происходящие в медиасреде, в которой взаимодействуют и используют коммуникационные технологии субъекты политики, экономики, культуры, социальных отношений. Медиасреда рассмотрена как пространство, в котором при участии массмедиа формируется культура информационного общества, как сфера конкуренции, цель участников которой – завоевание предпочтений аудитории.

An attempt of a systematic approach to the typology of supportive communicative units

In the article the author explains the necessity to work out a systematic approach to the description of communicative units of real life communication. The article presents an attempt to solve the problem of classifying the units belonging to the secondary communication level. Based on the previously suggested principles and methods of identifying communicative discourse units, the author provides definitions of primary and secondary (supportive) units.

Опыт системного подхода к типологии вспомогательных единиц общения

В статье обоснована необходимость разработки системного подхода к описанию коммуникативных единиц реальной речевой коммуникации. Представлен авторский опыт решения проблемы типологии единиц вспомогательного уровня общения. На основе ранее разработанных автором принципов и методики выделения коммуникативных единиц дискурса даются дефиниции основных и вспомогательных единиц. Определены типологические структурно-семантические и функциональные признаки единиц вспомогательного уровня общения.

The communicative function of olfactory images in the novels of P. Suskind Perfume and T. Salih The Season of Migration to the North

The article deals with the comparison of olfactory images in Patrick Suskind’s novel Perfume and Tayeb Salih’s The Season of Migration to the North in the communication context of Arab and European cultures. The initial theoretical point, based on the existing developments in the field of literary studies and cultural studies, is the idea of olfactory images as an essential component of the poetics of a work of art. The role played by olfactory images in revealing the characters of the two heroes Jean-Baptiste Grenouille and Mustafa Said is considered.

To the Problem of the Communicative Analysis of Associative Data

The article discusses the possibility of revealing general and individual communication strategies on the material of free associative experiment data; the principle of distinguishing communicative strategies and speech tactics is introduced.

Communicative and Speech Strategies of Representing Scottish National Identity (on the Material of the Regional Analytical Blogs and News Websites)

The author of the article singles out the main strategies of representing Scottish national identity, identifies their historical determination, and presents their link with current world-wide political trends.

Linguo-Philosophical Reflection as a Result of a Long-term Speech Monitoring Survey

The article presents the author’s reflection generated by the results of long-term speech monitoring;
the reflection on the development of science in general and linguistics in particular, on the influence
of media language and speech of general population on the future of the language, on the role of
the Internet in language changes. The author emphasizes the role of the inductive approach and the
danger of inductively unsupported deductive assertions which often slow down the development of

Speech Communication in Family Circle: the Role of Animals, Plants and Material Objects

Speaking to animals within the family circle is important for man and makes an interesting linguistic phenomenon, as animals are here cast in human roles. The article analyzes the facts of speech addressed to animals, plants and material objects, characterizes this type of speech and describes its influence on family atmosphere.
