Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Martian chronicles of the “Belle Époque”

The French literature from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that can be classified as “space fiction” centered on missions to Mars and making contact with Martians. The topic’s appeal stems from scientific findings of the time (particularly the so-called Martian canals) as well as the traditional symbolism of the Roman god who gave the Red Planet its name. All authors who wrote about Mars during the “Belle Époque” were inspired, to varying degrees, by the writings of the eminent astronomer Camille Flammarion (both scientific and fictional).

Марсианские хроники «прекрасной эпохи»

В том блоке французской словесности конца XIX– начала XX в., который можно условно назвать «космической фантастикой», в центре внимания оказались полёты на Марс и установление контакта с марсианами. Популярность темы в массовой литературе обеспечили научные открытия того времени (в первую очередь так называемые «каналы») и традиционная символика римского божества, по имени которого названа Красная планета.

The Image of Home and the «Thought of Family» in L. N. Tolstoy’s Poetics

Tolstoy’s poetics has never been studied in the combination of the «image of home» with the «thought of family». The relationship between these two categories is clearly visible, especially in the novels War and Peace, Anna Karenina, and Resurrection. Having considered these works by Tolstoy, written in different periods of his creative work, we can unwittingly notice the obvious relationship between the «image of home» and the «thought of family».

Category of Genre in Contemporary Literary Studies

The article considers well-established approaches to genre as a category of literary studies; alternative approaches to its understanding are revealed, methodological principles of genre identity of historic and philosophy of history novels are defined.

M. A. Aldanov’s Novel «The Sources»: Artistic and Philosophic Analysis of the ХХth Century Historic Factors

The role of the philosophic and historic discourse in the structure of the novel «The Sources» is revealed; the vector directivity of the author’s consciousness towards studying the mechanism of historic event inception is uncovered; the character of the writer’s interpretation of the ХХth century catastrophes’ origins is comprehended.

Fictional and Factual Narrative in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya

The article studies genre strategy in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya. The genre of the novel enables the author along with the third-person narrative to apply stylization of different forms of everyday life narration and records, to introduce the writer’s letters into fiction. Blurring the boundaries between fictional and factual principles in her work, L. Ulitskaya expands the range of reader’s interpretations.

An «Old-time Russian Master» Troyekurov and an «Old-time Nobleman» Andrei Dubrovsky in the Variants of Pushkin’s Autograph of the Novel Dubrovsky

The article compares the variants of Pushkin’s autograph of the novel Dubrovsky concerning the images of the elder representatives of the nobility. Variants’ textual analysis allows to reveal the process of artistic idea implementation.

J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood as an Experiment in Autobiography

The article deals with J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood, focusing on the author’s experiments with the autobiography in the context of traditional genre conventions. Boyhood, the first part of Coetzee’s autobiographical trilogy, is analyzed as a deconstruction of the childhood autobiography (the absence of autobiographical agreement, third-person present tense narrative, a combination of multiple points of view: those of a child-protagonist and an adult author).

«Composition Carrying Towards the Ultimate Freedom»: To the Issue of the Point of View in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Novel «The First Circle»

The issue of the point of view in the composition of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel «The First Circle» is regarded in the article by means of the structural analysis of its components based on the methodology by B. A. Uspensky.

Self-quotе and Self-reminiscence in Gaston Leroux’s Novels

The article considers self-referential items in the oeuvre of Gaston Leroux – the master of a popular novel – particularly on the example of the Rouletabille cycle. The author pays closer attention to the novel Rouletabille and the Tsar in which Leroux inserted the data from his earlier articles and sketches about Russia.
