Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The Motive of Extemporaneous Rumor in the Chronotope of the Cycle by N. V. Gogol «Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka»

The article considers the motive of rumor in its spatial and time expression based on the cycle of «Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka» by N. V. Gogol. The stylistic functions of the rumor motive in the novels’ plots and the internal link with the folk tradition are researched.

Religious Images in the Poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (Collector of Rent)

The article analyzes the figurative structure of a poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (collector of rent). It being considered and interpreted in the context of the Orthodox tradition gives us insights into the problem of «Fet and religion», reveals the life and poetry credo of the author.

Hearsay Motive In N. V. Gogol’s «Mirgorod»: Between the Usual and the Oustanding

Stylistic function of the motives of hearsay and fame are studied in the plots of «Old-World Landowners», «Viy», and «The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich» by N. V. Gogol. Their role in the plot and the chronotopos of the works is considered, as well as their meaning in the space of the stories, their linkages with the motives of emergency and disclosed mystery are regarded.

Rumour in St. Petersburg Novels by Gogol: Live Newspaper

The artistic functions of the rumor motives in the plot of the St Petersburg
novels by N. V. Gogol and their link to the chronotopos of the
Russian capital are studied. Analogies are drawn with the texts of the
journal Biblioteka dlya chteniya (Library for reading).

Mandelshtam’s Project «Seven poems» (1930–1931): Cycle or Selection?

The article examines Mandelstam’s unrealized project «Seven Poems» (1930 – 1931). A hypothesis of a cyclic nature of this group of poems, of their imagery and thematic integrity and correlation with other Mandelstam’s cycles is formulated.

Shipovnik (Rose Tree) Almanac: an Integrating Context (on the Material of the Third Book, 1908)

The article reveals external and internal factors contributing to the formation of an integrating context of the third book of Shipovnik Publishing House Literary-Artistic Almanac (1908): the design of the book and composition are being examined, the motives of the almanac’s texts are analyzed.

The Motive of Fate in the Late Prose by Ch. T. Aitmatov

The article consistently traces the actualization of the fate motive in four novels by Ch. T. Aitmatov; his semantic key points are analyzed in each work and the evolution of this text element is revealed.

The Peculiarity of Applying a Thematic Frame to the Study of Similes in V. Nabokov’s English Novels (on the Material of the Novels Look at the Harlequins! and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight)

The article considers the attempt to apply one of the decoding stylistic techniques, namely the technique of drawing a thematic frame, to the research of similes and to the identification of the main themes and motives of the two English-language novels by V. Nabokov.

A System of Chronotopes in Mikhail Shishkin’s Novel Pismovnik (Letter Book): on the Issue of Artistic Unity

The article researches the interaction of different space and time layers in Mikhail Shishkin’s novel Pismovnik (Letter Book) (2010). This interaction is characteristic for the writer’s prose. The author of the article distinguishes key chronotopes and chronotopical principles providing the unity of the artistic world of the novel.

The Border between Reality and Fantasy in the Works of N. V. Gogol and V. I. Dal

The article highlights the ways of more detailed comparison of the dual reality motif in the creative systems of Nikolay Gogol and Vladimir Dal. The key conclusions are made on the basis of the plot line and composition peculiarities of the texts, folklore symbolism and parallel review of the characters.
