Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

The Book Review

“Authors are best known through their books...”

This review is dedicated to the book by a renowned literary critic, lecturer at the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute, and editor of one of the best literary and artistic journals, S. I. Chuprinin. S. I. Chuprinin’s course of lectures for students at the Literary Institute is embedded in the context of the writer’s socio-literary activities, including his articles and books on the destiny of our literature.

Turkisms in the Russian language: The problem of assimilation and functioning in the concept of P. U. Bakirov

The review is devoted to the monograph by Professor P. U. Bakirov of Termez State University “Turkic names of persons in the Russian language”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the university where the author works. The researcher focuses on the problem of mastering linguistic borrowings and the specific features of their functioning in the recipient language. The object of study is the Turkic vocabulary, which has a long history of being assimilated by the Russian language.

Forgotten names

This article evaluates the book dedicated to the work of Nikolai Korolkov. The authors of the review point out the necessity to expand the database of the sources with the help of the Moscow archives, they also suggest that the references to many available sources could help create a more holistic impression of the personality of the writer. Thus, the review of the work The city of roofs, deposited in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, has not been mentioned. The same archive holds other documents relevant for this topic.

Museum metaphysics

This review deals with the book by S. V. Klimenko, a well-known philologist, a staff member of the N. G. Chernyshevskiy Estate Museum. It shows the academic character of the book under review. The book is timed according to the periods of the author’s creative life, but at the same time the identified periods appear to be crucial for the history of the museum as they were linked to anniversaries of N. G. Chernyshevskiy or memorable dates in the history of the museum itself.

Scientific legacy of Professor V. E. Goldin: About the book of the scientist’s selected works

The review is dedicated to the book of selected works by Professor V. E. Goldin, Linguistic Consciousness. Speech Communication (Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2020), prepared for publication by O. Kryuchkova and A. Sdobnova. The scientific interests of V. E. Goldin were extremely broad. The list of his scientific works includes studies on the Russian dialectology, problems of the general theory of language, speech communication, speech genres, the problems of psycholinguistics and applied linguistics.

“We are an association, we are a community, but we are not a school” – to the 100th anniversary of the “Serapion brothers” association

This article reviews the materials of a multi-author monograph dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the literary association “Serapion brothers”. This project has united researchers from Saratov, Moscow, St Petersburg, considered to be renowned experts in the history of Russian literature of the 1920–1930s. The research is based on the unique documents from the Serapion brothers’ legacy being introduced into the scientifi c circulation (K. Fedin, Vs. Ivanov, N. Tikhonov, V. Kaverin, I. Gruzdev).

“New drama”: Pro et contra

At the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century there were serious changes in the poetics of drama, defi ning the strategy of artistic forms and features of artistic consciousness. This gives the right to single out the history of the “new drama” in a separate period of the literary and theatrical process. A new book by the Belarusian researcher S.Ya.

Vectors of culture

This is a review of a collected volume of articles prepared by Professor M. Stroganov for his 70th Anniversary. The book intertwines two main academic interests of the author, mixed up in a special, unique to the researcher, methodological paradigm. These are the attention to the literary or folklore text as well as the focus on the diversity of Russian culture in its broadest spectrum: song and singing, music and painting, and the various facets of the theatrical arts.

Modern popular culture and literature in the digital age: The phenomenon of multivariance, serialization, transmedia

The article is a review of the collective monograph presented by the team of authors within the framework of the international transdisciplinary project Cult-goods: the phenomenon of mass literature/culture in modern Russia. Published at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the book has gathered many scientists from diff erent countries whose scientifi c interests are related to the phenomenon of modern mass literature and culture in general.

«The rye of science…»

The review of the encyclopedic dictionary M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and his contemporaries focuses on the relevance, the essential uniqueness and practical applicability of the publication. The dictionary, dedicated to the contemporaries of Saltykov-Shchedrin, is a philological event of great consequence.
