For citation:
Kryuchkova O. Y., Starostina E. V. Scientific legacy of Professor V. E. Goldin: About the book of the scientist’s selected works . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 186-196. DOI: 10.18500/1817-7115-2023-23-2-186-196, EDN: FXALBL
Scientific legacy of Professor V. E. Goldin: About the book of the scientist’s selected works
The review is dedicated to the book of selected works by Professor V. E. Goldin, Linguistic Consciousness. Speech Communication (Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2020), prepared for publication by O. Kryuchkova and A. Sdobnova. The scientific interests of V. E. Goldin were extremely broad. The list of his scientific works includes studies on the Russian dialectology, problems of the general theory of language, speech communication, speech genres, the problems of psycholinguistics and applied linguistics. This variety of focuses of the scientific attention is also reflected in the book of his selected works. The book includes works by V. E. Goldin, related to the three most important areas of his scientific interests: the associative-verbal network of a native speaker, problems of speech communication, communicative and corpus dialectology. The composition of the book expresses the idea of linguistic consciousness as a deep cognitive basis of verbal communication and, accordingly, of verbal communication as a verbal embodiment of linguistic consciousness. Such an understanding of the relationship between linguistic consciousness and speech communication stems from the complexity of the scientific research by V. E. Goldin, and is the result of summing up the scientific heritage of the scientist. The publication outlines the chronology of the development of V. E. Goldin’s scientific interests – from individual spheres of speech communication to its holistic understanding and further to linguistic consciousness. Such a development of the researcher’s scientific work allowed him to gradually build up and enlarge theoretical generalizations, build them on a solid foundation of comprehensive specific empirical material. The review presents V. E. Goldin’s most significant scientific ideas: the principles of communicative dialectology; the construction, scientific and cultural significance of dialect corpora, the need for a holistic study of the Russian speech in the sum of all its social and functional varieties; the criteria for an effective cultural and language policy; problems of studying the semantics of communication; tasks of genre studies; the method of conducting associative experiments, associative dictionaries, the heuristic potential of verbal associations and associative fields.
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