Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The English photoekphrastic detective novel of the second half of the 20th century (A. Christie, T. Findlеy): Tradition and innovation

The article examines the development of such a genre variety as the photoeкphrastic detective, embracing the period of the 1950s to the 1980s of the 20th century. The paper reveals the genre-forming potential of photographic eкphrasis, presented in the texts in the form of photograph descriptions found in classical detective literature (analyzed on the bases of A. Christie’s novel Mrs McGinty’s Dead, 1952) and its postmodernist version – in T. Findlay’s novel The Telling of Lies: A Mystery, 1986. Photography in the novels by A. Christie and T.

Features Index of Category of Fabulousness in English Folk Tale Discourse

The paper studies the way the category of fabulousness is modified in folk tales belonging to the nucleus of English folk tale discourse. Chronotopical parameter proves to be the most sensitive to the influence of extralinguistic factors. Being determined by socio-cultural conditions of its existence, the genre specificity of English folk tale is manifested in weakening of discursive features of chronotopical uncertainty, fantasticality (fiction) and, therefore, entertainment.

Fictional and Factual Narrative in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya

The article studies genre strategy in «Daniel Stein, Interpreter» by L. Ulitskaya. The genre of the novel enables the author along with the third-person narrative to apply stylization of different forms of everyday life narration and records, to introduce the writer’s letters into fiction. Blurring the boundaries between fictional and factual principles in her work, L. Ulitskaya expands the range of reader’s interpretations.

Derzhavin before Derzhavin by Viktor Sosnora: the Potential the Genre and Composition Meaning

The article is dedicated to the poetics of a historic work by V. Sosnora Derzhavin before Derzhavin. The main focus is on the potential of the genre foundation (a cycle of essays) and composition meaning. Those are viewed as ways of creating a subjective author’s image of a historic figure – a poet and a statesman.

Vaudeville Vice-King by I. Ilf and Ye. Petrov: Genre Poetics

The article analyzes genre peculiarity of the Vice-King vaudeville – one of the first experiments in drama by I. Ilf and Ye. Petrov. The interaction of artistic means characteristic of the vaudeville genre and satirical comedy is considered; the focuses of dramaturgic action and the vector direction of the traditional vaudeville form update are identified.

A Short Story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn «The New Generation»: From the Past to the Present

The article analyzes the ideas in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s short story «The New Generation», the peculiarities of the conflict of tradition and innovation in post-revolutionary Russia (1920–1930s) and its relevance for modern Russia.

Types of Hybridity in Computer-Mediated Communication

The article deals with different types of hybridity as a global category of computer-mediated communication. In the article hybridity is defined as a mixture of orthographical, lexical, syntactical, stylistic, semiotic and genre forms in one linguistic unit (word, sentence or text).

Scientific Biography of a Writer as a Type of Literary Research (The first article)

This paper examines the history of the study of the biographical genre in literature; its basic theoretical and methodological principles are formulated; the corresponding terminology is clarified.

Planetary Risks in Cli-fi (Ian McEwan’s «Solar», Magnus Macintyre’s «Whirligig»)

Two recent British comic novels are analyzed in the aspect of the authors’ treatment of the topic of climate change. Their representation of ecological and climate issues is shown to cover a wide range of existing attitudes. Special attention is given to how scientific matters are incorporated in the comic novel.

The Usage of Multimedia and Interactive Features of the Internet in Electronic Newspapers of Tatarstan

The article presents the results of a comparative content analysis of interviews in online newspapers Business online and Intertat.ru in the Russian and Tatar languages in the period from 1 June, 2012 to 1 January, 2014. Units of analysis and calculation are the subject-matter, layout, journalist’s stylistic devices, as well as the use of the original online media properties. 160 interviews have been analyzed.
