Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Categorical modeling of the sublanguage of homeopathy

The article considers the categorical modeling of the sublanguage of homeopathy. The sublanguage of a professional area of knowledge and/or activity is a means of verbalizing its notions, concepts and categories, and serves as a form of creation, interpretation, storage and communication of special knowledge.

Mixed martial arts discourse as a variety of sports martial and interactive discourses

The article dwells on the English language mixed martial arts (MMA) discourse which is interpreted as a variety of sports martial and interactive discourses. The main concepts that represent the entertaining aspect of MMA discourse are singled out. Among them are the following notions: “game”, “fun”, “entertainment”, “show”, “performance”, “pleasure”, etc. All of them have direct lexical representation and correspond with the relevant lexical units. At the same time, they can be indicated through synonymous words and phrases.

The concept of (non)return in the poetry of G. Ivanov and G. Adamovich (to the 100th anniversary of emigration)

The article deals with the reconstruction of the concept of (non)return in the lyrical poetry of G. Adamovich and G. Ivanov. The concept is considered in two ways: as an image in the space of culture and as a methodological formula for the analysis of images of the artistic consciousness. The main lexical means of representing the concept are cognate verb forms, the most frequent of which is the verb “return”.

Concept MERCY in the Russian Linguistic Consciousness and in the Writer’s Idiostyle

The evolution of the concept MERCY is researched in the Russian linguistic consciousness; the concept is analyzed in many aspects; the concept’s functioning in the writer’s idiostyle is examined on the material of A. S. Pushkin’s literary heritage.

Language Representation of Concept Health in Etiquette (on the Basis of the Russian and English Languages)

The article is devoted to the comparative study of ways and methods of concept HEALTH representation in modern Russian and English etiquette phrases including phraseological units and proverbs. Theoretical issues are considered in the article. They concern the mechanisms of concept verbalization in standard colloquial expressions of unrelated linguistic cultures. The basic cognitive signs that allow to determine similarities and differences of concept health representation in both language world pictures have been revealed.

Bible Text as a Generator of Precedence: The Book of Jonah

The article considers the issues related to the text of the Bible as a precedent phenomenon in the Russian and European literature on the example of the Book of Jonah and its key concepts.

Concept ‘Ouevre’ in K. Pavlova’s Idiostyle

The article analyzes how the concept ‘oeuvre’ functions in K. Pavlova’s poetry. The analysis of the language material within the semantic field ‘oeuvre’ leads to the conclusion that this field is the key one in K. Pavlova’s world-view and outlook. Notion and meaning nucleus of the word ‘oeuvre’ becomes conceptual for K. Pavlova’s poetic practice.

Word-Concept ‘Case’ in the Russian Interdiscourse

The article offers the analysis of the word ‘case’ denoting one of the key concepts of the legal speech. Its being used in different types of discourses allows to reveal the action of the integrative processes in the concept sphere of culture. The concept undergoes the transformation of meaning, the consistency of which can be represented in terms of substantiation and studying the notions of ‘professional discourse’ and ‘interdiscourse’.

The Place of Metaphor in the Representation of Concepts (Based on the Concept of ‘Neighbor’)

The article identifies the main characteristics of the concept ‘neighbor’ as a part of the opposition ‘own’ – ‘alien’ and the extent of their reflection in the basic metaphorical models of the lexeme ‘neighbor’ and its word-formation derivatives.

Conceptualization in the Poetic Language

The article deals with the comparison of the conceptualization processes in the ordinary and artistic minds. The author notes the results of conceptualization – artistic concepts and ordinary mind concepts, as well as those distinctions between them which are of controversial nature.
