For citation:
Alexeyev A. B. Mixed martial arts discourse as a variety of sports martial and interactive discourses. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 225-232. DOI: 10.18500/1817-7115-2023-23-3-225-232, EDN: VAWKFH
Mixed martial arts discourse as a variety of sports martial and interactive discourses
The article dwells on the English language mixed martial arts (MMA) discourse which is interpreted as a variety of sports martial and interactive discourses. The main concepts that represent the entertaining aspect of MMA discourse are singled out. Among them are the following notions: “game”, “fun”, “entertainment”, “show”, “performance”, “pleasure”, etc. All of them have direct lexical representation and correspond with the relevant lexical units. At the same time, they can be indicated through synonymous words and phrases. All in all, MMA discourse has not been studied in detail and as such, it presents the linguist with an opportunity to consider it from different perspectives. In particular, from the standpoint of stylistics, one can determine some features of how different rhetorical devices are used in order to actualize the linguistic and pragmatic intentions of the speaker. In this regard, the article analyzes such a trope as the metaphor. Defining the metaphor as a trope shaping the world, the article differentiates several metaphorical models which are actualized in MMA discourse. It is found out that within the framework of martial sports communication, the military metaphorical model is most often used. This can be explained by conceptual and cognitive proximity of MMA and military discourses. It is not a coincidence that the notions like “battle”, “war”, “fight” are equally important for both communicative spheres. In the process of the analysis, zoomorphic, hunting, criminal, etc. metaphors have also been considered. The use of these metaphors corresponds to the fact that aggression is the key notion of MMA discourse but aggression, as it is known, is also inherent in nature and social relationships. This provides basis for metaphorical transfers and analogies.
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