Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

For citation:

Ryzhov S. A. Peculiar features of the representation of separate components of the star (celebrity) image frame structure in the Russian language (based on the mass media texts of the pre-war, post-war and modern periods). Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 219-224. DOI: 10.18500/1817-7115-2023-23-3-219-224, EDN: WDPSBK

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Peculiar features of the representation of separate components of the star (celebrity) image frame structure in the Russian language (based on the mass media texts of the pre-war, post-war and modern periods)

Ryzhov Sergei Aleksandrovich, Volgograd State University

The article presents a general characteristic of the “star (celebrity)” frame in the Russian linguoculture based on the material of three chronological periods. The author substantiates the relevance and practicability of studying the star (celebrity) image from the standpoint of the frame approach. It is established that the structure of the “star (celebrity)” frame is determined by the actual nature of the stardom phenomenon, as well as the factual research material. Based on the material of the Russian-language newspapers and magazines of the Soviet pre-war and post-war periods, as well as the media texts of the modern period, the structure of the “star (celebrity)” frame is modelled, which contains a number of slots and terminals. The author remarks that this frame structure is not constant in all three periods and it is represented by some variations. Using the example of the leading slot “wide popularity”, which includes such terminals as “a high degree of popularity”, “a medium degree of popularity” and “the number of fans”, the article discovers the similarities and differences in the objectifi cation of the separate structural components of the “star (celebrity)” frame in the mass media texts of the above-noted periods. It has been established that the terminal “a  medium degree of popularity” is eliminated from the texts of the pre-war and post-war periods. In the factual material of all three periods the clichéd expressions, as well as the linguistic units with the root мир- (world) were identifi ed as the leading representatives; the frequent language units in the texts of the Soviet pre-war and post-war periods are a group of impassioned vocabulary, as well as nominations of creative work artifacts. Within the framework of the above-mentioned slot, the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the stardom phenomenon are defi ned
as follows: “glory”, “popularity” and “attention”. Modelling of the invariant structure of the “star (celebrity)” frame in the Russian linguoculture is indicated as one of the prospects for further research.

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