Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Интерпретация лирических текстов поэтов разных когнитивных стилей

В статье рассматриваются особенности читательской интерпретации поэтических текстов Анненского и Гумилева, авторы которых принадлежат к различным типам когнитивных стилей. Понятие когнитивного стиля возникло в психологии, однако в результате трасферизациии термина в область когнитивной поэтики возникла необходимость описать его параметры в целях использования в анализе поэтического текста.

Film adaptations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s works: Literary source and its interpretation

Over the course of more than fifty years, thirteen of M. Bulgakov’s works have been adapted for the screen: The Master and Margarita, Heart of a Dog, Flight, The White Guard, Days of the Turbins, The Fatal Eggs, Morphine, A Young Doctor’s Notebook, The Red Crown, Ivan Vasilievich, A Theatrical Novel, The Crimson Island, and The Last Days. The novel The Master and Margarita holds the record for the most screen adaptations in cinema: twelve films.

Semantics of the entomonym abelha / bee in Portuguese poetry

The paper examines a complex of figurative meanings of the entomonym “abelha” (“bee”), manifested in the space of the Portuguese poetic text of the 19th–20th centuries. The purpose of the work is to trace the transformation of the image and its semantic increments. We used methods of contextual, stylistic, semantic analysis and linguistic and cultural commentary. The material includes poems by Almeida Garret, Guerra Junqueiro, Antonio Nobre, Fernando Pessoa, Sofi a de Mello, José Saramago, Fernando Echevarría, etc.

Экранизации произведений Михаила Булгакова: литературный первоисточник и его интерпретация

За более чем пятьдесят лет были экранизированы тринадцать произведений М. Булгакова: «Мастер и Маргарита», «Собачье сердце», «Бег», «Белая гвардия», «Дни Турбиных», «Роковые яйца», «Морфий», «Записки юного врача», «Красная корона», «Иван Васильевич», «Театральный роман», «Багровый остров», «Последние дни». Рекордсменом в кино явился роман «Мастер и Маргарита» – двенадцать экранизаций. Пьеса «Бег» перекладывалась на язык кинематографа три раза, повести «Собачье сердце» и «Роковые яйца» – тоже по три.

Mythologizing of E. A. Boratynsky’s Personality in Russian Literary Criticism of the ХХth Century

Based on the material of biographical studies about E. A. Boratynsky in the literary criticism of the ХХth century the researcher examines the process of the poet’s personality mythologizing, the problem of formation and development of the myth about Boratynsky; the most common characteristics of the emerging biographical myth of the poet are identified.

Modus Category of Tonality and Methods of its Realization in Jounalistic Discourse

The article focuses on different approaches to categorization and deals with the study of cognitive aspects of modus (interpretative) category of tonality as a means of expressing the speaker’s subjective attitude to the facts of the objective reality. The complicated structure and methods of realization of tonality are shown on the example of journalistic discourse of the English language.

Religious Images in the Poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (Collector of Rent)

The article analyzes the figurative structure of a poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (collector of rent). It being considered and interpreted in the context of the Orthodox tradition gives us insights into the problem of «Fet and religion», reveals the life and poetry credo of the author.

Cognitive Models of Some Tonality Types of English and French Media Discourse (Retracted 11/04/2022)

The article focuses on the category of tonality that is regarded as the mechanism for representation of the interpreting function of the language. Ironic and complimentary types of tonality are proved to be the most frequently represented in English and French media discourse. These types of tonality are realized by a range of cognitive mechanisms determining the capacity of some cognitive models.

Issues of Key Words in Philology

The article deals with an up-to-date theme of key words issues in linguistics; the paper presents a brief overview and a comparative analysis of the scientific literature on this issue. The aim of the article is to state the problem of identifying key words in philology.

Modules of Aesthetic Cognition and Deictic Field of Text

The article attempts a comparison between the modular structure of aesthetic cognition and text’s morphological characteristics, their interpretation in the aspect of style formation. The constructive parameter of text expressed in grammar is taken to be the category of deixis, expressed linguistically and aesthetically. Elements of hierarchically organized deictic field can serve as tools in reconstruction of text’s meaning, as demonstrated by interpretation of «The Gift» by V. Nabokov
