Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

А. С. Пушкин

The functions of A. S. Pushkin’s intertext in Yu. N. Tynyanov’s novel The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar

The article focuses on the formal and content role of Pushkin’s intertext in Yu. N. Tynyanov’s novel The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar. Diff er ent ways of introducing quotes, references, allusions to A. S. Pushkin’s works are revealed. Such features of quoting as non-attributiveness, inexactness, pre-text reduction to single word images are elicited in the process of analysis. In the opinion of the author of the paper, this indicates a play-based dialogue with the reader who should unravel Pushkin’s texts independently and discern the “mistakes” of reproduc tion.

K. Vaginov’s Petersburg Text

The article studies the problem of Petersburg text of the Russian literature in the literary works by Konstantin Vaginov, its correspondence to the classical Petersburg text of A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol.

Pushkin and Derzhavin Myth in A. Gorodnizky’s Poetic World (Motif of Lyre Transferring)

The article deals with the transformation of Pushkin and Derzhavin myth in two poems by A. M. Gorodnizky; an attempt is made to explain the author’s individual interpretation of the myth (controversial to that established in the mass cultural consciousness) by means of analyzing the autobiographical and autopsychological components of the works under investigation. It is also undertaken to enter those poems in the wider context of the bard’s reflections on the Russian history problems, presented in poetic and memoir texts.

The Problem of A. S. Pushkin’s Autobiographical Meaning and the Principle of «External» Biography Elimination in S. L. Frank’s Works

The article considers an important problem of the meaning of biographical facts in artistic texts of A. S. Pushkin from the point of view of different ways of its solution. A singular way of tackling the problem offered by S. L. Frank is specified.

P. I. Bartenev and P. V. Annenkov Working on the Materials for A. S. Pushkin’s Biography

The article discusses how Pushkin studies emerged in 1851–1855, their Moscow and St. Petersburg schools, P. I. Bartenev and P. V. Annenkov’s work on the materials for A. S. Pushkin’s biography. The article reveals the underpinning of the two Pushkin scholars’ creative ‘competition’ (Bartenev was ahead of Annenkov in publishing his scientific work and making O. S. Pavlischeva’s information about the poet public) in writing an ‘exemplary biography’ of Pushkin.

The Name and Image of Pushkin in Poetic Discourse

The research focuses on the poetic sub-corpus of the Russian National Corpus in which the precedent name ‘Pushkin’ occurs 1,000 times. Based on the poetic texts of two centuries the author traces the formation of the first Russian poet’s image in the poetic discourse, as well as associations and connotations accompanying his name.

Specific Character of the Narrative Modality of Pushkin’s Prose Fragments

The article deals with the features of the narrative modality category in Pushkin’s prose fragments. It is concluded that the internal focalization and a homodiegetic narrator dominate in the fragments, the latter explicitly reveals himself through self-presentation. External focalization is actualized in the narrator with the help of the third-person narration. The narrator’s specific features comprise his omniscience of the hero’s steps and actions, and his ignorance of the hero’s inner world, emotions and feelings.

On the Title of Pushkin’s Novel The Captain’s Daughter

The article proposes a reinterpretation of the title of Pushkin’s novel The Captain’s Daughter, different from the traditionally existing in the domestic science. It is shown that the meaning of the novel’s title The Captain’s Daughter in a small degree is related to the heroine Masha Mironova, but it is based on Pushkin’s play poetics, introducing into the novel its two-dimensional quality and two-part structure.

On the problem of cyclization of “Little Tragedies” by A. S. Pushkin

The article proposes a new version of the cycle-forming organization of “Little Tragedies” by A. S. Pushkin, after a brief excursion through the already existing cycle-forming concepts of a group of scenes and plays united in Russian culture under the non-author’s general name “Little Tragedies”. The intra-textual situation of unexpected, spontaneous inspiration of the central characters of the plays included in the cycle is put forward as a binding compositional element.