Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


О некоторых аспектах поэтики романа Ю. Домбровского "Рождение мыши"

Статья посвящена двум аспектам поэтики романа - особенностям мировидения и функциям и способам реализации интертекста в романе Ю. Домбровского «Рождение мыши». В основу работы положен метод сопоставления текста романа с претекстами, элементы концептуального и контекстуального анализов.

The Intertextual and Mythological Codes of O. Paz’s Poem Piedra de Sol

The article is dedicated to one of the major poems of Octavio Paz – Piedra de Sol (1957). By interpreting the intertextual and mythological codes of the text, the author shows how elements of the Aztec culture enter in correlation with images and themes common to French poets from G. de Nerval to the Surrealists.

Intertext as a Method of Creating the Information Tension of a Dicteme

The article deals with the study of the intertext as a means of creating the information tension in a dicteme. It is justly pointed that the intertext is capable of delivering significantly more information than its verbal segment immediately contains. This ability is based on the mechanism of extracting the necessary associations from precedent texts, represented in a dicteme in the form of quotations and allusions.

“The Goat” by M. Zoshchenko and “The Overcoat” by N. Gogol: To the question of intertextual connections

Zoshchenko’s “The Goat” and Gogol’s “The Overcoat” have a strong intertextual connection. The quoted image of the “little man”, the plot, motif reminiscences, similar narrative peculiarities disclose the writers’ literary succession. In this article we will analyze the intertextuality of the writers’ prose on the example of “The Overcoat” and “The Goat”, and consider Zoshchenko’s transformation of Gogol’s plots, motifs; we will fi gure out what meaningful functions the intertexts are performing. The main results are summarized as follows.