Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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“The Goat” by M. Zoshchenko and “The Overcoat” by N. Gogol: To the question of intertextual connections

Bao Tingting, Saint Petersburg University

Zoshchenko’s “The Goat” and Gogol’s “The Overcoat” have a strong intertextual connection. The quoted image of the “little man”, the plot, motif reminiscences, similar narrative peculiarities disclose the writers’ literary succession. In this article we will analyze the intertextuality of the writers’ prose on the example of “The Overcoat” and “The Goat”, and consider Zoshchenko’s transformation of Gogol’s plots, motifs; we will fi gure out what meaningful functions the intertexts are performing. The main results are summarized as follows. Firstly, Zabezhkin is an old-fashioned man, he is Bashmachkin’s double in the modern world. The sense of fl uctuation and the immensity of the world led him to the pursuit of seeking familiar and soothing signs, the goat represents metaphysically a symbolic character of peace and happiness, which seemed to Zabezhkin to be the basis in a fragile world. The image of the “little man” quoted by Zoshchenko is a symbol of the disappearing past. The similarity between Zabezhkin and Bashmachkin’s fate demonstrates not the integrity and permanence of the past, but rather its irrevocability. Intertexts in the course of time become a measure of the old culture decline. Secondly, in “The Goat” Gogol’s techniques of grotesque and indeterminacy, changeability of the narration, are used. In the beginning of the novel the sentimental and comic, pathetic and familiar, tense and objective intonations intertwine. Just like Gogol’s language, Zoshchenko’s language is kaleidoscopic, it has a wide style range: from the bureaucratic language, clerical wording, newspaper and advertising clichés, literary speech to uneducated speech. The structural unifi cation of the diff erent language styles creates a humorous eff ect.


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