Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

средства массовой информации

The Usage of Multimedia and Interactive Features of the Internet in Electronic Newspapers of Tatarstan

The article presents the results of a comparative content analysis of interviews in online newspapers Business online and Intertat.ru in the Russian and Tatar languages in the period from 1 June, 2012 to 1 January, 2014. Units of analysis and calculation are the subject-matter, layout, journalist’s stylistic devices, as well as the use of the original online media properties. 160 interviews have been analyzed.

Metaphor in the Speech of Spanish Politicians (on the Material of the Spanish Newspaper and Journalistic Discourse)

This article discusses the functioning of metaphors in the Spanish newspaper and journalistic discourse. Based on media publications – EL MUNDO and EL PAÍS – concerning some of the most memorable and important recent events in the international life an analysis of the use of metaphors by Spanish politicians has been carried out. It is concluded that the Spanish political discourse is characterized by emotionality and imagery, which not only determine the use of rhetorical language tools, but also highlight unique features of the Spanish linguistic culture.

Features of Iran’s Image Formation in Modern Russian Media (Political Metaphor)

The article considers the specific character of Iran’s image being formed in the modern Russian media on the example of such newspapers as Argumenty i fakty (Arguments and Facts) and Izvestiya
(News). The author addresses the study of metaphorical patterns used in media texts, and concludes that the anthropomorphic and sociomorphic models are the most recurrent.

The term and concept of ‘media’: The aspects of hermeneutics of research

The article presents the results of modeling the semantic processes taking place during the hermeneutic interpretation of the Russian term and concept of ‘media’. The paper examines the synonymous pair of the univerb ‘медиа’ (‘media’) and generating word-combination ‘средства массовой информации’ (‘means of mass information’). As a result of semantic condensation, the components ‘information’ and ‘masses’ lose their original semantics, and the ‘intermediary’ component acts as the dominant one.