Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Plot and Space Complex «Border Crossing» in Klaus Mann’s Novel «The Volcano» (based on the material of the heroine’s plot-line)

The article deals with various aspects of interrelation between plot and space structure of Klaus Mann’s émigré novel «The Volcano». The author of the article analyzes the heroine of the novel crossing the symbolic border between the world of the dead and the living, which presupposes crossing the border between different zones of the exile space. In the article it is shown that sacrifice is a necessary condition of the border crossing.

Religious Images in the Poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (Collector of Rent)

The article analyzes the figurative structure of a poem by A. A. Fet «Obrochnik» (collector of rent). It being considered and interpreted in the context of the Orthodox tradition gives us insights into the problem of «Fet and religion», reveals the life and poetry credo of the author.

«March 1917» by A. Solzhenitsyn: Proverbs and Sayings in the Structure of the Third Knot of «Red Wheel»

The article analyzes the place and the function of proverbs and sayings in the structure of the third Knot of the historic epic «Red Wheel» by A. I. Solzhenitsyn – the novel «March 1917».

Forgotten Biographer of V. G. Belinsky

The article presents a feature story by B. B. Glinsky ‹Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky: in honour of his memory›. This story appears not to have been taken into account or registered in reference lists of the existing research papers on Belinsky, although it clearly deserves the researchers› attention.

Characteristics of Gogol’s Writing in the Novel The Raven by O. D. Forsch (Experience of a New Interpretation)

In the article different implementations of thoughts about Gogol in the novel The Raven written by O. Forsch are considered. The part of the chapter from The Raven excluded from the canonical text is analyzed as well. The issue is raised why this part did not appear in the final version of the novel.

Emil Ludwig’s Works in Critical Reception

The article is dedicated to the biography and the reception history of the works of the famous in the 1920-1930 german biographer E. Ludwig by the public and the critics.

the Future-in-the-Past: Post-Soviet Dystopia

Post-Soviet dystopia’s construction of the future out of the national past is analyzed as culturally-conditioned complex reaction to utopian temporality of the method of Socialist realism and treatment of time in folklore.

The Image of Home and the «Thought of Family» in L. N. Tolstoy’s Poetics

Tolstoy’s poetics has never been studied in the combination of the «image of home» with the «thought of family». The relationship between these two categories is clearly visible, especially in the novels War and Peace, Anna Karenina, and Resurrection. Having considered these works by Tolstoy, written in different periods of his creative work, we can unwittingly notice the obvious relationship between the «image of home» and the «thought of family».

Rumours in the Russian Traditional Proverbs and Sayings

The article deals with the semantic range of the «rumours» concept based on the Russian proverbs and sayings, collected by V. I. Dal and I. M. Snegiryov: the features, structure and content of rumours are analyzed. The subjects and objects of rumours are investigated. Also the connection between the «rumours» and «fame» is revealed.

B. A. Vasilyev’s Idea of History and its Realisation in the Novel «Prince Svyatoslav»

The author investigates B. A. Vasilyev’s idea of history, the devices used for its artistic realization and reveals genre features of the novel «Prince Svyatoslav».
