Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

On the Unresolved Contradiction in the Reception of Plekhanov’s Heritage in Literary Studies

The article demonstrates on the material of the Soviet Plekhanov studies that the taxonomic problem of exact methodological definition of text interpretation is far from being solved. The absence of typology criteria for existing methods inevitably hinders the work of literary scholars and interferes with the proper systematization of the material.

The Image of Warrior in I. I. Kozlov’s Lyrics and Its Folklore Variants in the Context of Poems about Napoleonic Wars

The article is devoted to the identification of originality of I. I. Kozlov’s battle lyrics in the context of poems on Napoleonic wars. Particular attention is paid to the image of warrior.

Risks of Argument and the Speech Genre of Collaborative Search of Agreement

The nature of argument itself inclines us towards an involuntary concentration on proving that we are right. Speech genre of collaborative search of agreement presupposes solving a different communicative task. The main condition of the solution is being naturally predisposed in favour of the interlocutor, and exerting oneself to be ready – for the sake of achieving mutual understanding – to make probable reasonable concessions to another participant of search initiatives.

On the Role of Criticism in Literary Process of the Beginning of the XX‑th Century from the Point of View of Perception

The subject of this article is the analysis of the complexity of literary texts perception in the beginning of the XX-th century, the epoch of change of a cultural paradigm. The author considers such new lines of literary process as «the fashionable writer», change of a publishing policy and type of reader’s perception.

Albert Maltz and the Russian Literature: Reception, Analysis, Criticism

The article analyses what Russian authors were on Albert Maltz’s reading list. In this regard special attention is paid to the correlation between Maltz’s aesthetic evaluations and political views, and the official line of the USA communist party guidelines in the field of art. Comprehensive examination of Maltz’s contacts with Soviet dissidents sheds the light on the dynamics of his attitude to social realism which was founded by M. Gorky.


V. Nabokov's visual aesthetics is considered in the article as a reflection of the writer's philosophical indeterminism and is analyzed in the context of the optical experiments of the twentieth century art. A comparison is made of the visibility of Nabokov's prose with the aesthetics of photography.



The article studies judicial discourse, namely, the peculiarities of speech interaction between the judge and the defendant during the judicial interrogation. The author distinguishes three types of tactics in the speech of Russian and English judges in accordance with the functions performed by them. In the work, the national-cultural specificity of the speech of Russian judges is noted, due to a number of social factors and features of the national mentality.


L. Tolstoy: Unsanctioned Editing

The author analyzes L. Tolstoy’s editing short stories «The Darling» by A. Chekhov and «The Living Relic» by I. Turgenev as an example of unsanctioned editing. Motives and methods of the editor’s unapproved changes are considered.

Kochkarev’s and Podkolesin’s Games in «Marriage» by Gogol

In the article the point of Podkolesin’s implicit victimization is questioned. The dynamic equilibrium of forces between Kochkarev and Podkolesin is analyzed. This marks gaming possibilities in a human, oppositely directed, but similarly powerful.

Plot and Space Complex «Border Crossing» in Klaus Mann’s Novel «The Volcano» (based on the material of the heroine’s plot-line)

The article deals with various aspects of interrelation between plot and space structure of Klaus Mann’s émigré novel «The Volcano». The author of the article analyzes the heroine of the novel crossing the symbolic border between the world of the dead and the living, which presupposes crossing the border between different zones of the exile space. In the article it is shown that sacrifice is a necessary condition of the border crossing.
