Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


History of Romanic and Germanic Philology at Saratov State University: the 30th Anniversary

The article gives an insight into the history of the Roman, German and English Philology Departments. The authors of the article, the heads of the departments, focus their attention on the scholarly and pedagogical activities from the foundation of the departments to the present day.

Homer, Shakespeare et al.: World Literature and Classics at Saratov State University

The article covers the main periods in the history of Department founded by Professor V.M. Zhirmunsky in 1917 to the present day, the changes in curriculum and teaching methods in both disciplines taught by the Chair – Foreign Literatures and Classics.

Department of Literary Studies and Journalism: the Present Day

The article considers the main results and perspectives of work of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism, founded in 1984. The academic interests of the faculty of the Department include communicative strategies in literature and journalism; history of literary criticism and media criticism; problems and history of Russian art, film and theatre; history of censorship in Russia from the 19th century to the present; the relationship between mass media and power in the broadest sense, and other topics.

Tradition obliges

Yu.N.Borisov, Head of Department of Russian literature and folklore,
offers a short outline of the Department history, showing close links
between rich scholarly tradition of the past and current research.
