Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Analyses Innovative Processes ол Syntactical and Text Level in Modern Press

The айс analyses innovative processes оп syntactical аnd text level in modern press. The strategy of being close to the addressee leads 10 the blending of formal аnd informal styles, written and spoken means оn communication, and makes the text more colloquial in style.

Poetics of the Romantic Drama in the Published works of "Moscow Telegraph"

From the article it becomes clear that the pubiication of works on theorists оf French romanticism in «Moscow Telegraph», issued by N.A. Polevoj, shows the process of deep understanding of rules of new dramatic аnd which occured both in French аnd Russian literatures. Systematic, different by genre, such publications helped the Russian reader to comprehend the experience of romantics, answered their needs to come in touch with the great change in literature, аnd this change was the victory of romanticism over ciassicism. 

A Word About Journalistic Professional Cuiture

A journalist's self-identification, thе level of his professional culture are directly connected with the nature of mediaactivity (the press, radio and TV) which has its deep roots at the knowledge about three types of literary аrt (epical, lyrical and dramatic). The quality оf journalistic work, in its turn, depends оп the journalist's ethical code. 

French culture in thе context of everyday in the novel of N.G. Chernyshevsky “What is to be done?”

The author researches the problem о thе French culture in the context of social reality referring to the novel of N.G. Chernychevsky «What is to be done?». The author points out the role of the French language in the cultural valuе system of the Russian society during the second half of the 19th century. Analysis of the French culture and language elements helps to realize the importance of the western culture in the formation process of Russian sccial reality of the 19th century. 

Mexican Myth in "The Plumed Serpent’ by D.H. Lawrence

The article considers the nature of myth and symbolism in the most experimental novel by В. Н. Lawrence, «The Plumed Serpent», of which he made а kind of a fable of religious rebirth. The traditional Lawrence’s individual myths take п the novel additionai ideological meanings that condense the models and forms of being аnd correspond to the author’s wish to convey the nature, eternity, the sense of change of epochs and generations. Such understanding of myth's functioning т close to Romanticism. 

The works of М.Е. Saltykov-Shchedrin in magazine obituaries (preliminary notes)

The article substantiates the necessity оn addressing obituaries and asserts the importance of obituaries, memoirs and biographical publications that consolidated people of different esthetic and literary critical persuasions around the пате of М. Е. Saltykov-Shchedrin. 

Memoir element in “Mémoires d’outre-tombe” by F.-R. de Chateaubriand

The article is devoted to memoir part оf «Mémoires d'outre-tombe» by Chateaubriand from the point оn view of writer's self-appraisal and his creative method. We examine historical context used in the book, principles of making public figures аnd literary men's portraits, correlation between е conception of author's «selfs аnd гергеsenting period. Memoir layer reflects the epical originality of е book and becomes the expression о’ the typical romantic idea about person. 

Английская путевая проза и «Письма из Исландии» Одена и Макниса

The articie contains а survey of the tradition of travel narratives in English literature from the ХVI century аn well аn of the current critical concepts of the genre of travels. It offers а perspective оп the state of the genre in the English literature of the 1930-s аnd analyzes W.H. Auden and Louis McNiece's «Letters from lceland» (1937) аs а representative text of е period. This travel book happens to be centered around Auden's major poem of the thirties — «А Letter Lordto Вугоn», hence the analysis is focused оn this poem.,
