Metaelements in contexts with food names and kitchen tools (Based on the material of the Vologda subdialects)
The article examines food tradition that exists on the territory of Vytegorsky (Megra) and Totemsky districts in Vologda Oblast (Varnitsy village, Ivoilovo village, Pyatovskaya village, Glubokoe village, Myasokombinat village, Savino village, Sovinskaya village, Tsareva village, Chernyakovo village, Pritykino village, Totma). Research data is dialect recordings of Saratov dialectological text corpus. Food tradition, represented in speech by food names and kitchen tools, is analyzed in a discursive aspect in the article: we focus on the refl ectivity of dialect speech. The author studies meta-textual comments in contexts with food names and kitchen tools. The main research method is descriptive, contextual analysis of the units. The following types of meta-elements are identifi ed in the study: meta-elements indicating specifi cs of lexical units and their functioning in speech (including the territory of existence, chronological marking, word origin, etc.) and meta-elements used in the contact-establishing function. The author analyzes the frequency of contexts in which the relations of motivationally related words are actualized. The article deals with the main function of lexical and structural motivational units in analyzed contexts: dialect speakers use these units to explain the meaning of dialect words. Therefore, it is considered important and necessary to study meta-linguistic statements when analyzing vocabulary that names elements of traditional culture. Meta-linguistic statements functioning in speech convey the knowledge of dialect speakers about food traditions, represent the dynamic processes occurring in the vocabulary of the subdialect. The study also shows that food tradition remains one of the important topics of dialectal communication.
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